
ào yùn huì huǒ jù
  • Olympic torch
  1. 最后,对火器具的设计演变进行研究,介绍了打火机与火炬各自的历史背景,其中以ZIPPO打火机和中国奥运会火炬这两种比较经典的火器具进行案例分析。

    Finally , this paper studies the evolution of fire apparatus in design , and separately introduces the historical background of the lighter and the torch . It makes case study by ZIPPO lighter and the Chinese Olympic torch , two classic fire apparatus .

  2. 北京2008奥运会火炬接力仪式的价值研究

    Research on the Value of BeiJing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay Ceremony

  3. 北京奥运会火炬长72厘米,重985克。

    The Beijing Olympic Torch is 72 centimetres high , weighs 985 grams .

  4. 该公司还将发布带有奥运会火炬设计的限量版笔记本电脑。

    It will also release Limited Edition notebook computers reflecting the torch design .

  5. 首次奥运会火炬在哪个城市燃起?

    Which city was the first Olympic torch lit ?

  6. 北京奥运会火炬拥有很浓的中国气息。

    The torch of the Beijing Olympic Games has a very strong Chinese flavor .

  7. 现代奥运会火炬传递活动渊源考

    Origin of torch passing of modern Olympic Games

  8. 奥运会火炬接力将需要1万只火炬。

    The Olympic Torch relay requires 10,000 torches .

  9. 对部分英国媒体关于北京奥运会火炬传递新闻语篇的批评性话语分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Some British Media News Discourses on Beijing Olympic Torch Relay

  10. 2012伦敦奥运会火炬接力

    London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay

  11. 伦敦奥运会火炬的那些事儿

    About the Olympic Torch

  12. 等到奥运会火炬到在中心体育馆时,这圣火将已传遍了全部50个州。

    By the time the torch reaches the central stadium , the flame will have journeyed all 50 states .

  13. 针对北京奥运会火炬传递的抵制活动来到法国首都,巴黎。

    Protests against the Olympic torch relay ahead of the Beijing Games have spread to France 's capital , Paris .

  14. 北京2008年奥运会火炬接力将是一个历史性事件,它将超乎世界想象。

    The Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will be an historical event that will capture the imagination of the world .

  15. 这是一个令人激动的时刻,北京2008年奥运会火炬和火炬接力路线将向世人公布。

    This is an exciting moment , where the torch and torch relay route will be presented to the world .

  16. 北京奥运会火炬在“和平之城”达累斯萨拉姆顺利传递,弘扬了崇高的奥林匹克精神。

    The Olympic torch relay carrying the Olympic spirits was concluded successfully in Dar es Salaam , the City of Peace .

  17. 昨天,北京奥运会火炬接力官方网站公布了奥运圣火境内传递的详细时间表。

    Yesterday , the Olympic Torch Relay , published on the website of the official Olympic Torch inside the detailed timetable for transfer .

  18. 周三的腿的奥运会火炬接力在东区建省开始,一分钟的默哀之前,亚军一套小康。

    Wednesday 's leg of the Olympic torch relay in eastern Jianxi province began with a minute 's silence before the runners set off .

  19. 1996年奥运会火炬接力在美国由可口可乐公司主持并不让人感到奇怪。

    It is no surprise that the 1996 Olympic Games Torch Relay is being presented in the United States by The Coca Cola Company .

  20. 2012伦敦奥运会火炬接力将持续70天,穿越整个英国,最后到达奥运会开幕场馆。

    The Olympic Torch will travel across the UK for 70 days before arriving at the Olympic Stadium for the start of the Olympic Games .

  21. 北京奥运会火炬已经抵达坦桑尼亚,官员们希望在坦桑尼亚的麻烦不会像圣火之前经历的那么多。

    The torch for the Beijing Olympics has arrived in Tanzania , with officials expecting far less trouble than its world tour has so far generated .

  22. 作为2014年索契冬奥会火炬传递的一部分,两名俄罗斯宇航员于周六首次携带奥运会火炬进行太空漫步。

    Two Russian cosmonauts took an Olympic torch on a spacewalk Saturday for the first time in history as part of the Sochi 2014 torch relay .

  23. 几天前,我已经听说奥运会火炬接力将于八号早上经过清华大学西校门。

    Several nights ago , I 'd heard that the Olympic torch relay was going to pass by Tsinghua University 's west gate on the morning of the eighth .

  24. 这个园区由一个全明星团队设计,其中就包括伦敦2012奥运会火炬台的设计者、英国设计师托马斯·海德维克,以及丹麦建筑师比雅克·英格斯。

    The campus has been designed by an all-star team that includes Thomas Heatherwick , the British designer behind London 's 2012 Olympic cauldron , and Danish architect Bjarke Ingels .

  25. 北京奥运会圣火火炬传递是很特别的。

    The Torch Relay of the Beijing Olympic Games is unique .

  26. 北京2008奥运会主火炬抗风研究

    Wind Research on Torch Tower of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

  27. 本次奥运会的火炬接力将由8000名火炬手参与,经过1000多个社区。

    Eight thousand Torchbearers will carry the Torch through more than 1,000 communities .

  28. 我要去看奥运会的火炬传递,它将经过这附近的主要道路。

    I 'm going to see the Olympic torch relay . It 's going to pass the main road nearby .

  29. 而北京奥运会的火炬正好有从厦门经过,她非常希望自己能在家乡参加火炬接力。

    And the Beijing Olympics is the torch from Xiamen after , she wanted very much to participate in the torch relay home .

  30. 生活在北京的博珍妮将成为2008年为北京奥运会传递火炬的唯一一位美国人。

    Jenny Bowen , an American living in Beijing , has been selected as the only American to carry the2008 Beijing Olympic torch on Chinese soil next year .