- 网络austenitic electrode

Effect of carbon on impact toughness of metal deposited with high strength austenite electrodes
Carbon Migration and Strength at Elevated Temperature of the Heat Resistant Steel & 13CrMo44 Joints welded with Austenitic Electrodes
In order to insure performance of intercrystalline corrosion resistant and hot cracking resistant , structure of surface layer of weld metal should be austenite and 4 % ~ 12 % of ferrite . So , stainless steel covered electrodes of 25-13 types to resurfacing welding are adopted as well .
Shielded metal arc welding and super-low carbon austenitic stainless steel electrode are used to the welding process on the 1st layer of weld metal of 316L / 20g compound pipes and construction steel electrode are used to cosmetic welding .
Experiment and Research on Welding Aluminized Steel with Austenitic Steel Welding Bar
Effect of Rare Earth Elements on Deposited Metal of Austenitic Stainless Steel Electrode
A Study on Austenitic Stainless Electrode Strengthened by Nitrogen
Influence of Pretreatment on Structure and Properties of Surfacing Layer with Austenite Matrix Electrode Containing Yttrium
Effect of Postweld Heat Treatment on the Toughness of Deposited Metal with Chromium-Nickel Austenitic Stainless Steel Electrode
The article elaborates the cold welding technology which adopts austenitic stainless steel welding strip to desl with the casting defect of the bulky pearlite low-alloy steel valves .
Substitutional Austenite Stainless Steel Electrode with Low Carbon Steel Core
This paper expounds the regulations of the influence of the moisture , crystallizing mode of weld joint , droplet transfer , nonmetallic inclusion and other factors in the welding agent of Chrome-Nickel Austenic stainless steel welding rod .