
  • 网络O'Connell;Mark O'Connell;Jack O'Connell;Diarmuid O'Connell;Fergus O'Connell
  1. 奥康奈尔表示,OCO为新建项目(而非并购)收集和监控的数据显示,有大量外资流入日本,尤其是在信息技术和金融服务领域。

    Mr O'Connell says the data that OCO collects and monitors , which are for greenfield projects rather than mergers and acquisitions , have shown healthy inflows of foreign capital to Japan , particularly in information technology and financial services .

  2. 奥康奈尔指出:为什么不是红色、蓝色或者是灰色呢?

    Why not red , blue , or gray ? O'Connell writes .

  3. 在奥康奈尔桥附近的一个屋顶上,一名狙击手正俯卧在那里伺机而动。

    On a rooftop near O'Connell Bridge , a sniper lay watching .

  4. 一个能产生电的住宅是个开始&桑吉达•奥康奈尔说。

    A house that makes electricity is a start , says Sanjida O'Connell .

  5. 奥康奈尔表示:人们在投资地点和原因方面变得挑剔得多了。

    People are becoming a lot grumpier about where they invest and why , Mr O'Connell said .

  6. 奥当诺凡太太正在都伯林的奥康奈尔街走着,从对面走来了拉菲提神父。

    Mrs.O'Donovan was walking down O'Connell Street in Dublin , and coming in the opposite direction was Father Rafferty .

  7. 未能触动少数选民可能对于共和党试图改变自己的形象造成巨大的后果,奥康奈尔说道。

    Failing to reach out to minority voters could have enormous consequences for a Republican Party trying to change its image , said O'Connell .

  8. 而之前关于薄荷味作用的研究也不少见,奥康奈尔写道:还有一些研究证明薄荷可以提高注意力、记忆力、警觉性及情绪。

    This wasn 't the first look into the effects of the scent of peppermint ; O'Connell writes , Other studies have suggested that peppermint enhances attention , memory , alertness , and mood .

  9. 《行动代号:猿人》也尝试讲述这一故事,杰克.莱诺和奥康奈尔将在片中饰演密谋的士兵,而罗莎曼德.派克和米娅.华希科沃斯卡是他们片中的感情对象,杰森.克拉科则饰演他们的刺杀目标。

    Another crack at this story is being attempted with HHhH , this time round with Jacks Reynor and O'Connell as the plotting soldiers , plus Rosamund Pike and Mia Wasikowska as the objects of their affections , and Jason Clarke the target of their anger . 5 .

  10. 是的这个…有一点…我们遇到一点困难一点点小问题我想跟你说…你有没有肖恩·奥康奈尔的住址?

    Yeah , it 's. .. there 's a. .. we have a glitch . Mini , on that one right now . I wanted to say , to you ... do you maybe have an address for Sean O'Connell ? Um ... It 's not really that easy with him .