
  • Orlando
  1. 你的奥兰多之行怎么样?

    How was your trip down to Orlando ?

  2. 奥兰多本身充满了朝气,有很多便宜的旅馆和吃饭的好去处。

    Orlando itself is vibrant , full of affordable accommodation and great places to eat .

  3. 同时有谣言称,本剧还会有《约会规则》(RulesOfEngagemen)的主演奥兰多琼斯加盟。

    Also rumoured to have signed up for the show is Rules Of Engagement actor Orlando Jones .

  4. 美国穆斯林群体谴责了这次发生在奥兰多的袭击,美国-伊斯兰关系委员会(CouncilonAmerican-IslamicRelations)在声明中表示:

    The latest assault was denounced by American Muslims , with the Council on American-Islamic Relations saying in a statement :

  5. actsasconference是一个为期两天的RubyonRails会议,将于2月8日至9日在佛罗里达州奥兰多市举行。

    Acts_as_conference is a two-day Ruby on Rails conference being held in Orlando , Florida February8th and9th .

  6. 而今年作为替代的是,微软公司希望这些开发者能够参加在硅谷举行的西部嵌入式系统大会(EmbeddedSystemsConferenceWest)以及在奥兰多举行的TechEd大会。

    Instead Microsoft expects developers to attend the Embedded Systems Conference West in Silicon Valley and its own Tech Ed Conference in Orlando .

  7. 我们在奥兰多有一个培育成型、不断发展的Rails社团,并且我们也希望获得更高层次的Rails培训。

    We have an educated , growing Rails community in Orlando , and are always looking for advanced Rails training .

  8. 德沃斯还拥有专营权的专业体育,包括了NBA奥兰多魔术队。

    DeVos has also owned a number of professional sports franchises , including the Orlando Magic of the NBA .

  9. 该公司开始时将通过《奥兰多前哨报》来验证这一理论,然后于今年12月或明年1月,把它用在发行量最大的报纸《洛杉矶时报》(LosAngelesTimes)上。

    It will begin to test that theory in Orlando , and then in December or January at its largest paper , The Los Angeles Times .

  10. 由于田纳西州的洪水(译者注:5月初,田纳西州遭遇暴雨,引发洪水,受灾严重),我们重新安排了会议地点,在佛罗里达奥兰多的华特迪士尼世界海豚度假酒店(WaltDisneyWorldDolphinResort)。

    Due to the flooding in Tennessee we have relocated the conference to Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort in Orlando , Florida .

  11. NPR新闻,卡梅尔·黛尔沙德奥兰多报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Carmel Delshad in Orlando .

  12. NPR新闻,艾米·凯利奥兰多报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Amy Kelly in Orlando .

  13. 今早,CaseyAnthony的律师重返奥兰多法庭。

    Attorneys for Casey Anthony are back in the courtroom this morning in Orlando .

  14. 首先值得注意的,是JeffPatton在奥兰多最近一次Scrum聚会上关于“用户故事地图(UserStoryMapping)”的讲座,十分有趣。

    The first item of note is the very interesting talk given by Jeff Patton on'User Story Mapping'at the Scrum Gathering recently in Orlando .

  15. NPR新闻,艾米·格林奥兰多报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Amy Green , in Orlando .

  16. 不久前奥兰多水上世界的DiscoveryCove的游泳池内就有8人被闪电劈到受伤。

    A few days ago , eight people were injured by lightning at SeaWorld 's Discovery Cove water park in Orlando .

  17. 所以他们就订了七天后的汽车票,早上六点出发,晚上十一点到达Orlando,奥兰多。

    We leave at six in the morning and arrive in Orlando at eleven at night .

  18. NBA的洛杉矶湖人队和奥兰多魔术队分别位列第四、第五,仅次于英超冠军切尔西。

    The NBA 's Los Angeles Lakers and Orlando Magic occupy fourth and fifth spots followed by English Premier League champion Chelsea .

  19. NPR新闻,克雷格·艾伦奥兰多报道。

    Greg Allen NPR News , Orlando .

  20. 我们的巡回展览的第一站是星期三,在佛罗里达的奥兰多的RosenPlaza。

    Our first show will take place on Wednesday , at the Rosen Plaza in Orlando , Florida .

  21. 最近在奥兰多举行的Scrum聚会,提供了一次获取必要技能的极好机会,让人们能够具有真正的影响力。

    The Scrum Gathering recently held in Orlando provided a great opportunity to gain the skills necessary to become truly influential .

  22. 我在PointsHound网站搜出了200多家酒店,包括奥兰多华尔道夫-阿斯多利亚饭店(WaldorfAstoriaOrlando)、奥兰多沃特迪士尼世界度假村(WaltDisneyWorldResort)和迪士尼当代度假村(Disney’sContemporaryResort)的四季酒店(FourSeasonsOrlando)。

    PointsHound turned up more than 200 hotels , including the Waldorf Astoria Orlando , Four Seasons Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort and Disney 's Contemporary Resort .

  23. 在坦帕(tampa)站、迪士尼购物区和奥兰多国际机场站终点站停车时间内,进行列车清洁活动。

    Train cleaning activities will occur during the layover times at the tampa , the Disney area and oia .

  24. 去佛罗里达州的奥兰多(Orlando,Fla.)游览的人越来越多,仅在2011年,就有5510万人,超过了其他所有的美国城市。

    More people visited Orlando , Fla. in 2011 -- 55.1 million -- than any other city in the United States .

  25. Marian赞同,如果她对时间感到不安,她总是可以自己直接到奥兰多去。

    Marian agreed that if she felt anxious about the time , she could always go directly to Orlando on her own .

  26. Ruth和Idgie是在大约3个月前被发现的,据奥兰多前哨报称,它们当时被遗弃在佛罗里达州奥斯汀的一条车道尽头。

    Ruth and Idgie were found about three months ago , abandoned at the end of a driveway in Osteen , Fla. , according to the Orlando Sentinel .

  27. 佛罗里达州奥兰多&近日的一个早晨,十几名大学生从明媚的阳光中走入中佛罗里达大学(UniversityofCentralFlorida,U.C.F.)心理咨询中心所在的昏暗房间。

    ORLANDO , Fla. & One morning recently , a dozen college students stepped out of the bright sunshine into a dimly lit room at the counseling center here at the University of Central Florida .

  28. 佛罗里达州奥兰多——近日的一个早晨,十几名大学生从明媚的阳光中走入中佛罗里达大学(UniversityofCentralFlorida,U.C.F.)心理咨询中心所在的昏暗房间。

    ORLANDO , Fla. - One morning recently , a dozen college students stepped out of the bright sunshine into a dimly lit room at the counseling center here at the University of Central Florida .

  29. 因此,本标书不包括奥兰多国际机场(oia)站的停车设施。

    Therefore , this proposal does not include car parking facilities at the OIA station .

  30. 据NPR新闻的斯科特·霍斯利报道,总统此行还走访了奥兰多的社区大学,他在那里努力宣传为女性增加经济机会。

    NPR 's Scott Horsley reports the president also visited a community college in Orlando , where he touted efforts to boost economic opportunities for women .