
  • 网络queen;Quinn;Quine;quin
  1. 但奎恩称,收购团队和增长型资本业务越来越相似,而着眼于地理区域的新架构,将有助于3i在未来筹集专注于区域的新基金。

    However , Mr queen said the buy-out and growth capital businesses were becoming more similar and the new geographically focused structure would help 3I to raise new regionally focused funds in the future .

  2. 奎恩夫人,你怎么…是奥利弗

    Mrs. Queen ! What are you ... It 's oliver .

  3. 奇幻与科幻作家厄苏拉·K·勒·奎恩(UrsulaK.LeGuin)获得了美国文学卓越贡献勋章(MedalforDistinguishedContributiontoAmericanLetters)。

    The fantasy and science fiction writer Ursula K. Le Guin was awarded the Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters .

  4. 奎恩说房子最火的地方是亚特兰大北边的巴克海特(buckhead)、gardenhills以及邓伍迪(dunwoody),那儿的好学校云集。

    Quinn says the highest demand is in Buckhead , Garden Hills and Dunwoody in the north , where there are good schools .

  5. 嫌疑人中包括奎恩的编辑杰里·沃德格雷夫(JerryWaldegrave,“作家们都很不一样……我从来没见过不古怪的作家能写出好东西”);

    The suspect pool includes his editor , Jerry Waldegrave ( " Writers are different .... I 've never met one who was any good who wasn 't screwy " ) ;

  6. 例如,哈德森的女朋友奎恩•法布蕾怀孕后,当她打算生下孩子时,她唱了麦当娜的“PapaDon’tPreach”。

    For example , when Hudson 's girlfriend Quinn Fabray , who is pregnant , begins to consider keeping her baby instead of giving it up for adoption , she sings the Madonna song " Papa Don 't Preach . "

  7. 麦克迪尔这家伙知道拉马尔?奎恩曾在堪萨斯大学上学。

    This guy McDeere knew Lamar Quin went to Kansas State .

  8. 女士们,先生们,你知道她是奎恩拉提法。

    Ladies and gentlement , you knew she is Queen Latifah .

  9. 我找到了“金牌奎恩”号,莫伊拉

    I found the " Queen 's gambit , " Moira .

  10. 我知道你是谁,你是奎恩先生

    I know who you are , you 're Mr. Queen .

  11. 自从奎恩回来后,他不一样了。

    Since Queen 's been back , he 's. .. different .

  12. 你好,奎恩夫人,这是给您的

    Excuse me . Mrs. Queen ? These are for you .

  13. 乐意效劳,奎恩太太,相信我

    It 's my pleasure , Mrs. Queen . Believe me .

  14. 奎恩先生您是看着莎拉·兰斯死的吗

    Mr. Queen , did you see Sarah Lance die ?

  15. 你不想来见我吗,奎恩简?

    Won 't you come see me , Queen Jane ?

  16. 奎恩先生,飞机不会降落。

    It won 't be landing anywhere , Mr. Queen .

  17. 我在阿富汗执行过三次任务奎恩先生

    I served three tours in Afghanistan , Mr. Queen .

  18. 警方收集到一个你在奎恩联合企业留下的血样

    The police collected a sample of your blood at Queen Consolidated .

  19. 什么事奎恩先生,如果你在楼上款待客人

    Yeah ? Mr. Queen , if you 're entertaining guests upstairs ,

  20. 横跨位于曼哈顿岛和奎恩岛之间的东哈得逊河的一座悬臂桥。

    A cantilever bridge across the East River between Manhattan and Queens .

  21. 奎恩先生在与世隔绝的荒岛上待了五年

    Mr. Queen spent five years in seclusion on a deserted island ,

  22. 奎恩先生里面情况如何

    Mr. Queen , what happened in there , sir ?

  23. 当和奎恩握手时,她行了屈膝礼。

    She curtsied when she shook the queen 's hand .

  24. 你会在奎恩联合企业里任职吗

    Will you be taking a job with Queen Consolidated ?

  25. 我们知道奎恩联合企业七个月前收购了他们。

    Well , we know Queen Consolidated acquired them seven months ago .

  26. 奎恩夫人,逮捕他的人就是我爸爸

    Mrs. Queen , my father is the arresting officer .

  27. 我可以办个奎恩圣诞派对

    I thought I would throw the Queen Christmas party .

  28. 我可没说是因为保护奎恩而受的伤

    Hey , I never said this happened protecting Queen .

  29. 拉马尔?奎恩32岁,还不是合伙人。

    Lamar QUIN was thirty-two and not yet a partner .

  30. 这次行动时奎恩的卧底报告的。

    This Iead came from queenan 's undercover guy .