
  • 网络Endeavour;space shuttle endeavour
  1. 在一次新闻发布会上,Gerstenmaier指出,奋进号航天飞机机组成员在航天飞机上有修复的工具。

    At a news conference , Gerstenmaier noted that the Endeavour crew has shuttle repair kits on board .

  2. 奋进号航天飞机发射升空,执行最后一次任务。

    The space shuttle Endeavour taking off on its final endeavor .

  3. 主引擎启动……二……一……零……助推器点火……奋进号航天飞机启动,NASA最后一个太空站太空舱将把了望窗拍摄到的太空镜像传送回来。

    two ... one ... zero ... booster ignition .... and of Shuttle Endeavour with NASA 's final space station crew compartment to bring the bay window view to our backyard .

  4. 奋进号航天飞机将把宇航员送上哈勃。

    The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble .

  5. 奋进号航天飞机上个月返回了地球。

    The Space Shuttle Endeavour returned to Earth last month .

  6. 奋进号航天飞机已抵达加利福尼亚州。

    The space shuttle Endeavor has arrived in California .

  7. 奋进号航天飞机将在近2周的时间停泊在太空站。

    The shuttle will remain docked at the space station for nearly two weeks .

  8. 如果第六次奋进号航天飞机发射失败,它可能创了一个记录。

    If the shuttle 's sixth launch attempt failed , it would set the record .

  9. 2010年他第一次进入太空,那时他驾驶奋进号航天飞机。

    His first trip to space was in 2010 , when he piloted the shuttle Endeavor .

  10. 奋进号航天飞机将向国际空间站送去由3部分组成的日本希望号太空实验室的第一部分。宇航员还将在空间站上安装一个加拿大制造的机器人装置。

    The Endeavour is delivering the first of three sections of a Japanese-built science station , called Kibo .

  11. 奋进号航天飞机从国际空间站脱离并将按计划返回地球。

    The space shuttle Endeavour has undocked from the International Space Station and is headed back to Earth .

  12. 美国奋进号航天飞机发射升空执行最后一次任务,前往国际空间站。

    The American space shuttle Endeavour has lifted off for the International Space Station on its final mission .

  13. 奋进号航天飞机载着7名宇航员星期二凌晨在夜色中从佛罗里达州肯尼迪太空中心发射升空。美国的航天飞机很少在夜间发射升空。

    The seven-person crew aboard Endeavour lifted off during a rare nighttime launch from Kennedy Space Center in Florida .

  14. 下次飞行任务将在明年二月份,奋进号航天飞机将输送一座了望塔,用于观察地球。

    The next shuttle flight will take place in February , when Endeavour delivers a complete cupola for watching the Earth .

  15. 奋进号航天飞机在肯尼迪航天中心爆发出的欢呼声中发射进入清晨明亮的天空。

    The space shuttle Endeavour blasted off into the bright morning sky as a cheer went up across the Kennedy Space Center .

  16. 当奋进号航天飞机返回地球的时候将被送往加利福尼亚一家博物馆,目前仅剩一架正常工作的航天飞机。

    When Endeavour returns to Earth , it will be sent to a museum in California , leaving only one working space shuttle .

  17. 美国奋进号航天飞机开始了一次雄心勃勃的太空使命。奋进号将向国际空间站送去一个新的科学试验室和一个机器人装置。

    Space Shuttle Endeavour has launched on an ambitious mission to deliver a new science laboratory and robotic system to the International Space Station .

  18. 奋进号航天飞机将把宇航员赖斯曼送到国际空间站,以便法国宇航员埃哈兹能返回地球。

    The Endeavour also is carrying astronaut Garrett Reisman who will remain on the space station , allowing French astronaut Leopold Eyharts to return to Earth .

  19. 美国航天局已经命令奋进号航天飞机周二返回地球,由于考虑到位于德州休斯顿的航天控制中心的天气问题,奋进号比计划提前一天返航。

    Officials with the US space agency has ordered the shuttle Endeavor to return to earth Tuesday one day ahead of schedule because of weather concerns at Mission Control in huston , taxes .

  20. 美国宇航局于周三推迟原定计划进行第四次太空行走,为奋进号航天飞机机组官员表示,他们尚未决定是否修理泥在船舶的隔热。

    NASA on Wednesday put off a planned fourth spacewalk for the space shuttle Endeavour crew as officials said they had not decided whether to repair a gouge in the ship 's heat shield .

  21. 航空航天局星期天说,奋进号航天飞机防护隔热瓦上的裂缝深度超过早先的估计,因此可能需要宇航员在航天飞机仍然在太空轨道上飞行时修补损伤。

    The space agency said Sunday a gouge in the heat shield protecting the shuttle is deeper than expected , raising the possibility that astronauts may try to repair the damage while still in orbit .

  22. “奋进号”航天飞机上全体机组人员的任务基本上已经完成了。

    The mission for the crew of the space shuttle Endeavour is essentially over

  23. 美国“奋进”号航天飞机在着陆回到地球两周之后返回了总部。

    Space shuttle Endeavour returns to its home base two weeks after landing back on earth .

  24. 近日飞抵空间站的“奋进号”航天飞机送来了不少新设施。

    Thanks to the newly arrived shuttle Endeavour , the space station now has five sleep stations , two baths , two kitchens and two mini-gyms .

  25. 日本在太空探索方面的“野心”越来越大,日本已于上月开始在国际空间站建立其首个太空实验室,该实验室是由美国“奋进号”航天飞机送入太空的。

    Japan has an increasingly ambitious space programme and last month began to set up its first space laboratory , which was blasted off on the US space shuttle Endeavour .

  26. 在完成了13天的国际空间站的设备安装任务之后,星期二美国“奋进号”航天飞机提前一天返回地面并安全地在佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心着陆。

    Space shuttle Endeavour landed safely at the Kennedy Space Center , Florida , on Tuesday after completing a shortened , 13-day construction mission to the International Space Station ( ISS ) .

  27. 奋进号宇航员对航天飞机腹部一个3英寸的裂缝做近距离观察。

    Endeavor astronauts worked for a close look at the three-inch gash in the shuttle 's underside .

  28. 这枚火箭是猎鹰9号,协议在今年最后两架航空飞机——奋进号和亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机退役之后达成。1.capacityn.才能,能力

    The rocket is the Falcon 9 , and the deal is for after the two last shuttles -- Endeavour and Atlantis -- are retired this year .