
  • 网络The Pilgrim's Progress;The Pilgrim Progress
  1. 在结构安排上,《天路历程》也采用了圣经的这种U型结构模式。

    In The Pilgrim 's Progress , Bunyan also adopts this kind of typical U-Shaped pattern .

  2. 《天路历程》是英国基督教作家、布道家约翰·班扬的著作,于1678年2月出版,是一首基督教的寓言诗。

    The Pilgrim 's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come is a Christian allegory written by John Bunyan and published in February , 1678 .

  3. 我最喜欢的非IT书籍是《圣经》,然后是JohnBunyan所著的经典,《天路历程(Pilgrim'sProgress)》。

    My favorite non-IT book is the Bible , followed by John Bunyan 's classic , Pilgrim 's Progress .

  4. 他一直在看约翰·班扬的《天路历程》。

    He 'd been reading Pilgrim 's Progress by John Bunyan .

  5. 约翰·班扬作品《天路历程》中描绘的安乐地。

    The land of peace described in John Bunyan 's Pilgrim 's Progress .

  6. 美国梦的寻求与破灭&从菲茨杰拉德的作品看其天路历程

    The Seeking and Disillusion of the American Dream

  7. 约翰·班扬因债务下狱,在狱中他写出了《天路历程》。

    John Bunyan was imprisoned for debt , and wrote Pilgrim 's Progress while in prison .

  8. 在《天路历程》,一捆没药被用作保持仁慈。

    In Pilgrim 's Progress , a bundle of myrrh was used to keep Mercy from fainting .

  9. 第四部分主要探讨《天路历程》的原型主题,即基督徒成为圣徒的历程及其圣徒的坚持不懈。

    The fourth chapter interprets the main archetypal theme in The Pilgrim 's Progress , which is the saints ' perseverance .

  10. 他有一本书,是一小本自然科学笔记,这是他母亲读的《天路历程》的补充资料。

    The only books he had were little nature-study notebooks , supplemented by his mother reading The Pilgrim 's Progress aloud .

  11. 在《天路历程》中,约翰.本仁描绘基督徒在朝圣的旅途中,于艰难山上的凉亭休憩,然后继续爬坡前行。

    In Pilgrim 's Progress , John Bunyan describes the arbor on Hill Difficulty where Christian caught his breath before continuing the climb .

  12. 这是一个古老的信仰和良好的信念,我们的生命是一次天路历程,我们在这个星球上彼此都是陌生人。

    It 's an old belief and good belief that our life is a pilgrim 's progress that we are strangers on the earth .

  13. 我觉得《天路历程》的结局是比较合理的,尽管在天路的转弯处,我偶尔也会遇到惊喜,但是在我看来,这部作品似乎过于冗长乏味了。

    I suppose this sort of Pilgrim 's Progress was justified by the end ; but it seemed interminable to me , in spite of the pleasant surprises that met me now and then at a turn in the road .

  14. 我尤其不喜欢《天路历程》,我想我都没有读完这本书。《寓言》我也不喜欢,我最初读的拉封丹的《寓言》是英文版本,当时我只是感觉这本书还说得过去。

    I did not care especially for " The Pilgrim 's Progress , " which I think I did not finish , or for the " Fables . " I read La Fontaine 's " Fables " first in an English translation , and enjoyed them only after a half-hearted fashion .