
tiān wén tú
  • star atlas
  1. 《地质》杂志上刚刚刊登的一篇文章上写到,哥伦比亚大学的Lamont-Doherty地球天文图绘制的北极地区1800年的气候历史是基于他分析挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛中的沉淀物产生的。

    In an article just published in the journal Geology , the associate professor at Columbia University 's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory charts 1,800 years of Arctic climate history , based on his analysis of sediment from a lake in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard .

  2. 哎,这会不会是天文图啊?

    Is this an astronomical chart ?

  3. 本文以此文题,讨论了中国古代天文图、地图、建筑图、机械图、耕织图等图学名词的分类及其历史价值。

    This paper explores the categorization of traditional astronomy picture , maps , architectural drawings , mechanical drawings , drawings for agricultural uses .

  4. 我们不应该感到意外,而在1937年,业余爱好者格罗特·雷伯在自家后院里建造了一架直径9米的抛物面金属镜,并绘制出了第一辐射电天文图,更是成为射电天文学领域的开拓者。

    And the whole field of radio astronomy got a kick start when , in1937 , amateur Grote Reber built a9-metre dish in his back garden and plotted the first radio map of the sky .

  5. 遗憾的是,如果你不能理解这种平铺结构面,对明天的“每日天文一图”将更难理解。

    Unfortunately , if it weren 't for the tile floor , tomorrow 's picture would be even harder to understand .

  6. 总体上,钱氏家族墓葬以秘色瓷为主要随葬品,特别是在墓内绘刻天文星象图,在同时期墓葬中具有鲜明的特色。

    In a word , olive green porcelain are the main funeral objects , and the celestial phenomena design in the tombs has brightest characteristic among the tombs at that time .