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  1. 略论宋代书法美学精神影响下的米芾及其书法艺术观

    On Mi Fu and His Calligraphy Art View under the Influence of the Aesthetic Spirit of the Calligraphy in the Song Dynasty

  2. 内容提要:黄庭坚作为一位宋代文人书法艺术家,他在诗词、书法艺术和理论等多个领域都有极深的造诣。

    Content : HuangTingjian , as a literati calligraphy artist , he had a deep attainments in the fields of poetry , calligraphy art and theory , etc. .

  3. 忠义堂《裴将军诗帖》刻本与传世墨迹本俱为宋人所为,后世对其真伪争议颇多,但这一个案对于研究宋代颜真卿书法接受具有重要的意义。

    Loyalist party " General Pei Poetry " and its ink marks are all manufactured by Song Dynasty person , which authenticity and false was disputed by the later generations , but a case for its study is of great significance .

  4. 在书画艺术方面,元代以前除了有宋代刘昉的书法传世外,未曾见其他作品。

    In the aspect of calligraphy and painting art , there was rare works before Yuan Dynasty , except Liu Fang whose calligraphy was in record .

  5. 他虽然没有系统的书法理论专著,但是,作为宋代尚意书法的主要倡导者和中流砥柱,他的书法思想不但左右了当时书坛的主流风向,而且对后世的书法产生了深远的影响。

    A main leader and the pillar of advocating ' Shangyi Calligraphy ' as he is , though without any systematic theoretical monographs on calligraphy , Su Shi drived the mainstream direction in the field and had a great impact on the handwriting of the future generation .