- 网络satellites of Uranus

A preliminary analysis on CCD astrometry of Uranian satellites
Digital image processing of the CCD ( srt ) positional observations of two satellites ( ariel and titania ) of Uranus
The results show that the positional precision for each star is comparable to or better than the best observations of Uranian satellites that is used to improve their ephemeris .
Study and Development of Contemporary ( Quantitative ) Theories on the Motion of the Uranian Major Satellites
A new method of CCD image processing , two dimensions Mexican Hat wavelet transform , is put forward for the purpose of improving the quality of the CCD images of uranian satellites .
This meant that the spacecraft passed Uranus and its moons in just six hours .
Formation of Jupiter , saturn , uranus and their regular satellites
The major satellites of Uranus were observed with the CCD detector equipped on the 1.56m telescope at the Shanghai Astronomical Observation during the 1995 opposition .
In order to meet the need of getting high precision of the CCD observations for the positions of the planets'satellites and studying their motion , a software which visualizes the positions of the Uranus ' five major satellites has been designed .
Uranus is the only one without a large moon .
The data of the satellites acquired by spacecraft-centered radio and optical observations during the Voyager 2 encountering Uranus provide the first reliable estimation of the masses of all five major satellites . Contemporary quantitative theories on the motion of the Uranian satellites have been promoted .
The satellite of Uranus that is second in distance from the planet . Three days ago .