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  • 网络Natural Yeast;Saccharomyces cerevisiae;Saccharomyces cereviaiae
  1. 全部土匪天然酵母面包均以法式方法滋养,分为裸麦及小麦两大类。

    Tufei sourdough breads are cultivated in traditional French style with two major types , sourdough rye and pain au levain .

  2. 全麦面粉,小麦粉,黑麦芽粉,裸麦粉,天然酵母,天然海盐,未漂白二砂。

    Wheat whole grain flour , Wheat flour , Rye , black malt , Yeast , Salt , Without to bleach sugar .

  3. 天然酿酒酵母(saccharomycescerevisiae)能有效利用己糖发酵产生乙醇,但不能利用木糖。

    The wild-type strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae efficiently ferment hexose sugars to ethanol , but they are unable to utilize xylose .

  4. 郎贝克啤酒只在比利时的珊妮谷才有生产,这里是布鲁塞尔属和朗贝克属这些天然酒香酵母的盛产地。

    Lambic is made exclusively in Belgium 's Zenne valley , where the wild yeasts Brettanomyces bruxellensis and Brettanomyces lambicus thrive .

  5. 科学家们利用生物工程的方法将天然食用酵母中的这些美味物质有效提取,形成了无与伦比的新一代调味珍品&YE,即酵母抽提物。

    Scientists utilize bio-engineering to effectively extract these dainty substances from natural edible yeast , and form a new generation of unparalleled condiment & YE , namely yeast extract .

  6. 此外,披萨饼师傅还需要天然的那不勒斯酵母与特级初榨橄榄油来发面和面。

    Additionally , pizza makers should include natural Neapolitan yeast and extra virgin olive oil in the dough preparation process .

  7. 本饲料还添加了天然得免疫抗体酵母,维他命C,E等。

    Besides , this feedstuff includes natural immune antibody ferment , vitamin C , E , etc.