
  • 网络balance weights
  1. 分析天平砝码的检定

    The Weight of Analytical Balance Check Up

  2. 自制力的强弱如同天平的砝码,决定着生活的倾向;

    Self-control strength as the balance weight , determines the tendency of life ;

  3. 微处理机可以与一个天平、砝码和量杯一起使用,以实现对发动机燃料消耗率的经济而精确的测量。

    A microprocessor can be used with a balance , weight set , and beaker to provide an economical and accurate measure of engine fuel consumption rate .

  4. 理想是人的价值天平上的砝码。

    Ideal is the poise on man 's scale of value .

  5. 平衡天平两端盘中砝码的重量已极大增强。

    The weights in each pan of the balance had increased greatly .

  6. 要用公道天平,公道砝码,公道升斗,公道秤。我是耶和华你们的神,曾把你们从埃及地领出来的。

    Use honest scales and honest weights , an honest ephah and an honest hin . I am the Lord your God , who brought you out of Egypt .

  7. 文学天平上的道德砝码

    The Moral Weight in the Scales of Literature

  8. 而感性和理性无疑是平衡人生天平的一对砝码。

    No doubt , rationality & sensibility is a pair of weights balancing life scale .

  9. 本文分析了重力加速度的变化因素及其对电子分析天平称量输出的影响,建立了电子分析天平的称量输出与地球表面纬度、海拔高度的函数关系,提出了天平外附校准砝码的自动补偿方法。

    This paper analyses the effect factors of acceleration of gravity , develops an output function of latitude and height above sea level for the electronic analytical balances , and presents an automatic compensation method by calibration weights as the balance accessories .