
  1. 天丝(Tencel)/苎麻转杯混纺纱工艺的研究

    Research on Rotor Spinning Process of Tencel / Ramie Blended Yarn

  2. CibacronFN染料在大豆纤维/天丝混纺织物上的应用

    Application of Cibacron FN on the Soybean Fibre / Tencel Blended Fabric

  3. 介绍了细旦涤纶与天丝(Tencel)两种纱组合而成的异经重经面料的特点、上浆工艺步骤、各工序质量控制、工艺参数等。

    This text briefs the characteristic of the fabric made of fine denier polyester fiber and Tencel , its sizing technology and quality control in every process as well as technology parameters .

  4. 公司现开发有多种功能性面料,如:T400吸湿速干面料,T400灯芯绒面料,全天丝面料,等等。

    Companies are developing a variety of functional fabrics , such as : T400 fabric Quick-drying moisture absorption , T400 corduroy fabrics , silk fabrics throughout the day , and so on .

  5. 天丝A-100和棉纤维混纺织物前处理工艺采用平幅、低碱、连续轧蒸;选用活性RGB型染料,采用湿短蒸工艺进行深浓色染色。

    The processes of Tencel A-100 and cotton blended fabric were carried out including open-width and continuous pad-steam pretreatment with low alkali , and dyeing in deep shade with shortened wet steaming process , as well as preshrink finish with hydrophilic softening agent .

  6. 天丝/亚麻色织交织面料的生产实践与质量控制

    Production and Quality Control of Tencel / Linen Interlaced Yarn-Dyed Fabrics

  7. 深色天丝A-100/棉织物的生产实践

    Production of Tencel A-100 / cotton blended fabric in deep shade

  8. 天丝/丽赛/吸湿排汗纤维混纺面料的开发

    Development of the Tencel / Richcel / breathing fiber fabric

  9. 腈纶/天丝复合单层拉舍尔毛毯产品开发

    The Development of Acrylonitrile / Tencel Compound Single-Layer Raschel Blanket

  10. 天丝/羊绒/羊毛弹力精纺面料的开发

    Development of elasticity Tencell / cashmere / wool worsted fabric

  11. 兰纳素/汽巴克隆染料用于染黑色天丝/羊绒混纺织物的研究

    Dyeing black on Tencel / cashmere fabric with Lanasol and Cibacron dyestuff

  12. 天丝/棉色织衬衫面料的生产工艺研究手工印花人造丝纺织制品

    Production technology research on Tencel / cotton yarn dyed woven shirt fabric

  13. 天丝/棉弹力缎纹织物的开发

    Development and production of Tencel / cotton elastic satin fabric

  14. 天丝/亚麻转杯纱生产技术分析

    A Study on the Production Technology of Rotor-spun Tencel / Linen Yarn

  15. 天丝苎麻织物风格与服用性能研究

    Study on Style and Wearing Characteristics of Tencel Ramie Fabrics

  16. 天丝/苎麻交织平纹布的染整工艺

    Dyeing and finishing of Tencel / ramie intertexture tabby fabric

  17. 天丝纯纺与混纺纱线工艺

    The process development of Tencel pure yarn and blended yarn

  18. 天丝/亚麻混纺纱工艺的研究

    Research on Process of Tencel / Flax Blended Yarn

  19. 大豆纤维/天丝混纺针织物的基本性能研究

    Mechanical properties of knitted fabric of soybean protein fiber / Tencel blended yarn

  20. 天丝/棉/Coolmax弹力牛仔布的生产实践

    Manufacturing and quality control of tencel / cotton / Coolmax blended stretch denim

  21. 黄麻/细旦粘胶/天丝混纺纱产品的开发

    Developing Blended Yarn with Jute Fiber / Fine Denier Viscose / Tencel Fiber

  22. 葆莱绒纤维/牛奶蛋白纤维/天丝/棉混纺针织纱的开发

    Development of Prolivon / Milk Protein Fiber / Tencel / Cotton Blended Knitting Yarn

  23. 天丝/变性苎麻/精梳棉混纺工艺及其产品

    Blending technology of Tencel / modified ramie / combed cotton yarn and its product

  24. 各类化纤纱线:人造棉,天丝,莫代尔。

    Chemical and man made fiber yarn : rayon spun , Tencil , Modal .

  25. 纺织品中主要采用的纤维为棉、毛、天丝、苎麻等。

    The kinds of fibers are mainly cotton , wool , silk , and ramie .

  26. 采用气体加热式磁棒烧毛机对天丝/苎麻交织平纹布烧毛;

    The gas singeing machine was used for the Tencel / ramie intertexture tabby fabric .

  27. 其他丝或绢丝机织物天丝/苎麻混纺纱及其针织物的性能研究

    Research on the Properties of Tencle / Ramie Blended Yarns and Knitted Fabrics with Different Ratios

  28. 面料从木代尔、天丝、竹纤维、功能纤维织物到普通全棉、涤棉织物应有尽有。

    Common materials are modal , tencel , bamboo biber , function fibre , cotton or polyester .

  29. 天丝是一种新型再生纤维素纤维,是典型的绿色环保纤维的代表之一。

    Tencel is one type of new regenerated cellulose fiber and one of the most recycled fibers .

  30. 天丝灯芯条织物的开发

    Development of tencel lamp wick