
dà lù biān
  • continental margin;continental edge
  1. 弱增生或非增生会聚型大陆边

    Poor - or non-accretionary convergent continental margin

  2. 断裂(拉张、被动)型大陆边

    Rifted ( extensional , passive ) continental margins

  3. 耷拉着一个断翅的鸟断裂(拉张、被动)型大陆边

    A bird trailing a broken wing Rifted ( extensional , passive ) continental margins

  4. 会聚(活动)型大陆边

    Convergent ( active ) continental margins

  5. 他的衬衫一边裂开了。断裂(拉张、被动)型大陆边

    His shirt has slit at one side . Rifted ( extensional , passive ) continental margins

  6. 4北中央早古生代多地体/岛弧群的弧/陆碰撞及早古生代造山带的形成是中晚泥盆世(420Ma)冈瓦纳超大陆边部古特提斯洋盆初始扩张的产物。

    The arc / continent collisions of the Early Paleozoic multi-terrains / arcs and the formation of the Early Paleozoic orogenic belt at the N-COB were related with the Paleo-Tethys oceanic spreading at the western side at 420 Ma .

  7. 中国大陆及边邻地区地壳上地幔Rayleigh面波相速度结构与方位各向异性研究

    Study on the Phase Velocity and Azimuthal Anisotropy from Rayleigh Surface-Wave in the Crust and Upper-Mantle Beneath the Continental China and Its Adjacent Regions

  8. 于是两人携手私奔,从大陆来到这个南海边上。

    They , therefore , eloped from the mainland to the coast of the South China Sea .