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  1. 房屋的木材被熊熊大火烧成了木炭。

    The timbers of the house were charred by the raging fire .

  2. 大火烧掉了1500英亩农田。

    The fire burned up1500 acres of farmland .

  3. 大火烧坏了属于公司工人的小汽车。

    The fire destroyed the cars belonging to the workers who worked in the company .

  4. 谁也说不准一旦大火烧起来会烧到哪里为止。

    And there 's no telling where a prairie fire will stop , once it gets started .

  5. 白瑞德:我们必须在大火烧到弹药库前冲过去。

    RHETT : We 'll have to make a dash for it before the fire reaches that ammunition .

  6. 周二,卡尔多大火烧毁了格里兹里福莱特镇上至少50座房屋,并威胁到另外数百多座房屋。

    The Caldor Fire destroyed at least 50 homes in Grizzly Flats on Tuesday , and threatened hundreds more .

  7. 1666年的伦敦大火烧掉了许多重要文件,这些文件本可以提供一些线索。

    The Great London Fire of l666 burned many important documents that could have been a source of clues .

  8. 曾经是如此迷人的路旁如今却铺着黑黑的枯干的草木,仿佛是被一场大火烧过一般。

    The roadsides , once so attractive , were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire .

  9. 但是,在我们知道大火烧到的时候,火焰已经包围了我们的屋子,在我们之后,我们只是马上撤离现场的撤退者的其中之一。

    Before we knew it there were flames all around the house , behind us and we just sort of evacuated straight away .

  10. 近期,一篇报道称一场疑点重重的大火烧到了住满了动物的动物园中,导致迈克尔的宠物鳄鱼和短吻鳄不幸死亡。

    A recent report revealed Michael 's pet crocodiles and alligators died after a suspected arson attack at the zoo where the animals were housed .

  11. 锅内加入鸡汤和裙边,火腿片放在上面,再下入葱、姜等调料,先用大火烧开,然后用小火煨。

    Adding soup pot and skirts , ham on top , and then the next into the onions , ginger and other spices , use the fire boil , then simmer low heat .

  12. 我甚至为我们现行过着的朴素生活预先经历过一次“彩排”——好些年前,我们位于圣巴巴拉的家被大火烧为平地,只剩下那天晚上我在通宵营业超市买的那把牙刷。

    I even went through a 24 ) dress-rehearsal for our enforced 25 ) austerity when my family home in Santa Barbara burned to the ground some years ago , leaving me with nothing but the toothbrush I bought from an all-night supermarket that night .

  13. 每年圣诞节,我都遵循这样一个传统——有一年是让一些残障少年参加曲棍球比赛,还有一年是看望了两位老年兄弟,他们的房屋在圣诞节前被大火烧为平地,等等。

    For each Christmas , I followed the tradition - one year sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game , another year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the ground the week before Christmas , and on and on .

  14. 而这些长久扎根于此的红杉与这野火逐渐形成了一种共生关系:红杉木的树皮高度抗火,因此当其竞争种群都被大火烧个精光的时候,红杉树林却几乎毫发无损。

    The forests from which these trees came had been around for so long that they 'd formed an evolutionary symbiosis with the wildfires that have historically swept through California . The redwood 's bark is highly fire-resistant , so it takes minimal damage while competing species are completely wiped out .

  15. 研究结果如下:(1)在无采伐预案下,火干扰模式为低频率大面积高强度火烧;

    The simulation results were : ( 1 ) under simulation scenario without harvest , the fire regime was characterized by low frequency , high fire severity and large fire damaged area ;