
  1. 来自山西大槐树的传说,其背景是国家掌握了开发陕北的控制权。

    According to the legend of the big pagoda tree in Shanxi province , its background was that the country had the control of developing the north of Shaanxi province .

  2. 大槐树移民是中国移民史上一次重要的移民活动,是明王朝建立初年大力推行和奖励屯田垦荒政策的直接表现;

    ″ Dahuaishu emigration ″ was an important emigration in Chinese history . It was the representation of encouragement policy on cultivating barren land in early years of Ming Dynasty .

  3. 大草原上,槐树生长在大象扎堆的地方,很容易被它们吃掉。

    On the , acacia trees growing in regions that get a lot of elephant traffic tend to get eaten .