
dà shǒu bǐ
  • the work or writing of a great author or calligrapher;well-known writer;calligraphy of an authority
大手笔 [dà shǒu bǐ]
  • (1) [calligraphy of an authority]∶旧指有关朝廷大事的文字

  • (2) [well-known writer]∶指名作家,也指名家的作品

大手笔[dà shǒu bǐ]
  1. 对美国企业巨头们的巨额财富,大手笔的买卖,和重大决定的近距离的详实了解(b哈佛商业评论)

    Up - close glimpses of the big money , big deals , and big decisions of America 's entrepreneurial giants ( bHarvard Business Review )

  2. 1995年,比尔•克林顿(billclinton)把致168人死亡的俄克拉何马城爆炸案转变成了政治上的大手笔。

    In 1995 , Bill Clinton converted the tragedy of the Oklahoma City bomb that claimed 168 lives into a political masterstroke .

  3. 英超(EnglishPremierLeague)足球俱乐部今年夏季打破了之前所有的转会费纪录,大手笔的支出直至周三晚转会窗口关闭才结束。

    English Premier League football clubs have broken all previous records to sign players this summer and the big spending will not stop until the transfer window shuts tonight .

  4. Facebook斥资190亿美元收购WhatsApp的交易堪称大手笔;对比一下两家公司创始人的理念异同,这笔交易愈发耐人寻味。

    What makes Facebook 's $ 19 billion purchase of WhatsApp all the more intriguing is the contrast between the two companies ' founders .

  5. 通过全新旗舰产品和旨在争取西方消费者的大手笔广告宣传战,华为(Huawei)将向高端智能手机制造商对手发起最大挑战。

    Huawei will mount its biggest challenge to rival high-end smartphone makers with a revamped flagship device and big budget advertising campaign designed to win over Western consumers .

  6. 布法罗新闻和BlueChipStamps是伯克希尔早期收购的两家企业,这只是伯克希尔打响的第一枪:自那以来,该公司从未停止收购企业,也没有压制自身大手笔收购的野心。

    Among the first of these were the Buffalo News and Blue Chip Stamps , and they were just the opening shots : Berkshire has never since stopped buying companies nor suppressed its ambitions of buying big .

  7. 3.大手笔的后期风投基金&GA、TCV等等,似乎只做后期股权投资,投资金额在4000万美元以上。

    Big check late stage funds – GA , TCV , etc. seem to only do late stage equity and write checks north of $ 40 million .

  8. 巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)欧洲并购联合负责人马修庞森白(matthewponsonby)表示,少数大型交易让交易活动看似比实际更活跃,虽然大手笔的战略举动是可能的,但只有周密设计结构才能成功。

    Matthew Ponsonby , co-head of European M & A at Barclays Capital , said that while a small number of large transactions have made deal activity look more buoyant than it is , large strategic moves were possible , but only if thoughtfully structured .

  9. 这家合营企业是4月1日履新的飞利浦首席执行官万豪敦(FransvanHouten)第一个大手笔,企业将拥有在欧洲以飞利浦品牌经销电视的牌照。

    The venture , which will have a licence to market TVs in Europe under the Philips brand , was the first big move by chief executive Frans van Houten , who took over on April 1 .

  10. 论张说的大手笔与开元政治理念的转变

    On Zhang Shuo and change of political conceptions during Kaiyuan ruling

  11. 大手笔。包围。再包围。十面埋伏。

    By great boldness and action , the city is being besieged .

  12. 尽管这一行业目前的规模较小,但它却吸引着大手笔的投资。

    The sector , while still small , is seeing serious investment .

  13. 论大手笔张说的散文

    On the Prose of ZHANG Yue Who Was Called Big Literary Work

  14. 尔街的银行家们纷纷重新开始猜测一起“大手笔”交易。

    Across Wall Street , bankers are back to speculating about'The Big One .

  15. 除非政策制定者采取果断且大手笔的行动,否则市场可能出现真正的投降式抛售。

    We could see real capitulation unless policy makers act decisively and massively .

  16. 看来,2012年避免大手笔收购的决心足够坚定。

    The decision to avoid any big buys in 2012 seems solid enough .

  17. 上海负担得起上述大手笔的投资。

    Shanghai can afford the huge price tags .

  18. 这些明星人物似乎没有久留的打算,但大手笔的投入仍在继续。

    The big stars seem to come and go , but the spending continues .

  19. 英特尔传统上会为新业务站稳脚跟而大手笔投入。

    Intel has a history of paying up for a foothold in a new business .

  20. 拉齐奥主席洛蒂托已经暗示,在夏季转会市场上将出现一笔大手笔。

    Lazio president Claudio Lotito has hinted at a major signing during the summer market .

  21. 这样的大手笔值得吗?

    Is the valuation worth it ?

  22. 菲亚特盈利客观,现在有很可能对克莱斯特抛出大手笔。

    The turnaround of Fiat , which may now take over Chrysler , has been remarkable .

  23. 那么下一部大手笔的电影大片

    Will the next big-budget blockbuster movies

  24. 迫切想上规模的科尔先生正奋力争取很多大手笔协议。

    Eager to build scale , Mr cohl was pushing for a slew of additional big deals .

  25. 所以制定出高效能、大手笔、强力推进的人力资源开发战略体系,是赣州的第一要务。

    Accordingly planning strategic human resource development system is the first important affair of the city 's development .

  26. 但是,大手笔的背后有辉煌的成功经历,却往往也伴随着失败的惨痛教训。

    However , the big-budget success story behind the brilliant , but often accompanied by painful lessons of failure .

  27. 中国电信后发制人、以大手笔抢滩登陆的方法,坚定地走上定制化之路,加大在社会化渠道的销售力度。

    China telecom sector , with generous landing approach , firmly on the customized Road , increase in social channels sales efforts .

  28. 许多家庭和企业主仍然欣赏好的木工手艺,也愿意为那些坚固的百里挑一的手工木活花费大手笔。

    Many home and business owners still appreciate fine craftsmanship and are willing to pay for handmade , sturdy , one-of-a-kind pieces .

  29. 据报道,这部电影的预算接近5000万美元,以好莱坞标准来看不算高,但在中国可以说是大手笔。

    The film 's budget reportedly reached nearly $ 50 million , modest by Hollywood standards but still significant here in China .

  30. 他一直很听父母的话,除了去年他决定花大手笔投资鲨鱼队。

    He followed his parents ' advice closely until last year when he decided to spend big and invest in the Shanghai Sharks .