
dà dì cè liánɡ xué
  • geodesy
  1. “大地测量学”的字面意义是“划分地球”。

    The literal meaning of ' geodesy ' is ' dividing the earth ' .

  2. 从制图学的观点来研究投影,不认为是大地测量学的分支。

    The study of projections from the cartographical point of view is not here considered as a branch of geodesy .

  3. 整体大地测量学与GPS检验网&纪念整体大地测量学创立35周年

    Integrated Geodesy and GPS Test Net

  4. 本文根据公路勘测需要,应用大地测量学的一些理论,建立公路GPS测量的非参数基准,探讨了解决长度投影变形的计算方法。

    In the article , the author built non-parameter benchmark of GPS surveying on the road with the theory of geodesy according to the demand of road surveying , meanwhile discussed the methods of calculating the length projection transmutation .

  5. 我们建议在不久的将来能在北京举办IAGA,IASPEI和IUGG(国际大地测量学与地球物理学联合会)大会。

    We suggest that IAGA , IASPEI and IUGG Assemblies can be held in Beijing in the near future .

  6. WDC-D大地测量学数据分类与编码的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Classification and Codes of Geodesic Data in WDC-D

  7. 本文概述了国际大地测量学与地球物理学联合会(IUGG)的历史发展,介绍了IUGG的近况。

    The historical developments and current activities of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics ( IUGG ) have been summarized in this paper .

  8. 国际大地测量学与地球物理学联合会(IUGG)大会是国际地球物理学界的奥林匹克大会。

    The General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics ( IUGG ) is the Olympic Meeting of the international geophysical circle .

  9. 根据工程勘测的需要,应用大地测量学及GPS网平差理论,结合实例,探讨运用边长尺度比来有效消除GPS网平差中高斯投影及高程归化变形的计算方法。

    According to the demand of engineering surveying , With the theory of geodesy and the method of gps network adjust , This paper discusses how to minimize the scale error of gauss projection and datum plane reduction by changing the side scale when we adjust the engineering gps network .

  10. 目前,卫星高度计在远海测量的瞬时海面高度的精度可达到5cm,极大的促进了大地测量学、地球物理学、海洋学研究等领域的发展。

    At present , the accuracy of satellite altimeter measuring the sea surface instantaneous height over the deep ocean is better than ± 5 cm , this pushed the development of geodesy , geophysics , oceanographic greatly .

  11. 大地测量学的进展和我们的任务

    The development of modern geodesy and the future tasks for Chinese geodesists

  12. 内核旋转的大地测量学估计和地震学估计的对比

    A comparison of geodetic and seismic estimates of inner-core rotation

  13. 卫星测高在大地测量学中的应用及进展

    The applications and progress of satellite altimetry in geodesy

  14. 形变大地测量学的进展、问题与地震预报

    Advances and problems of deformation geodesy and earthquake prediction

  15. 物理大地测量学与地球物理学结合中的有关问题评注

    Some remarks on combination of physical geodesy and Geophysics

  16. 基于网络资源的大地测量学基础教学创新模式探索

    An innovative teaching pattern of " Basis of Geodesy " based on network resources

  17. 全球重力场模型是当今物理大地测量学最为活跃的研究领域之一。

    Geopotential modeling is one of the most active research field in physical geodesy .

  18. 在计算机上进行大地测量学课程设计

    Geodesy Course Designing on Computer

  19. 与此有关的学科主要有地球物理学、大地测量学、地质学、地球化学和天体物理学。

    And the related scientific disciplines are mainly geophysics , geodesy , geology , geochemistry and astrophysics .

  20. 月球大地测量学的进展

    Progress in lunar geodesy

  21. 海面倾斜与高程基准密切相关,它已经受到大地测量学界和海洋学界的重视。

    There is a close correlation between sea level slope and height datum , in which geodesylists and oceanographers are interested .

  22. 利用卫星测高数据计算海洋重力异常是大地测量学和海洋学研究中的重要课题。

    It is a very important topic in geodesy and oceanography research to compute marine gravity anomaly using satellite altimetry data .

  23. 我们的目的是说明大地测量学的近代发展如何为解决地球动力学的基本问题提供新的工具。

    We aim to explain here how the recent technological developments in geodesy have become new tools to solve basic problems in geodynamics .

  24. 概述了大地测量学作为测绘基准提供地理信息系统的基础框架作用。

    The role of geodesy , as the datum of surveying and mapping , for providing the fundamental frame of GIS is briefly discussed .

  25. 大地测量学基础是测绘工程专业的骨干课程与专业基础课程之一,在学科体系中占有相当重要的地位。

    The fundamentals of geodesy are an important and main fundamental course for geodesy , geomatics , geophysics , surveying engineering , and photogrammetry .

  26. 回顾了作为实用天文学和大地测量学中基本研究课题之一的大气折射映射函数研究的进展。

    Reviewing the progress in the development of atmospheric refractive mapping function which is a basic research subject in the field of applied astronomy and geodesy .

  27. 基于虚拟正常场,可解决物理大地测量学中存在的一个无定义问题。

    With the aid of the fictitious normal field , a theoretical problem in physical geodesy , referred to as the no-definition problem , is solved .

  28. 地壳均衡的概念对地学的研究有着极大的影响,特别是在大地测量学和地球动力学中发挥了重要作用。

    The conception of crustal isostasy produces a great effect to the geo-scientific research ; especially take an important role in the studies of Geodesy and Geodynamics .

  29. 地壳形变大地测量学是击破地震预报两个瓶颈&时空信息不足和应用基础研究薄弱的有力武器。

    Crustal deformation geodesy is a powerful weapon breaking up the two bottle necks & inadequate space time information and weak applied fundamental research which restrain earthquake prediction .

  30. 六个教员,四个博士后研究人员和研究生从事于区域内全球地震学、反射地震学、动力学、大地测量学、古磁学。

    Six faculty members , four postdoctoral researchers , and graduate students work in the areas of global seismology , reflection seismology , geodynamics , geodesy , and paleomagnetism .