
dà shì
  • general trend of events;general situation
大势 [dà shì]
  • [general trend of events] 事物发展演化的基本形势

  • 且将军大势可以拒操者, 长江也。--《资治通鉴》

大势[dà shì]
  1. 东亚地区经济合作进程加快,发展中日经贸关系,推动建立东亚经济共同体,促进地区经济繁荣已成大势。

    The process of economic cooperation in East Asian region has been quickened . Developing Sino-Japanese economic and trade relations , promoting establishment of East Asia Economic Community and advancing regional economic prosperity , have become a general trend of events .

  2. 亚洲股市将大势保持与美国股市相同走势的前提下,整体将会稍强于其他地区的行情走势。

    Asian stock market keeps the general trend of events under the prerequisite of the same tendency as US stock market , the whole will be stronger than the quotations tendencies of other areas slightly .

  3. 很多传媒专家把这些纯新闻频道看作是朝着细分市场这一大势转变的组成部分。

    Many media experts see such all-news channels as part of a general move towards niche marketing

  4. 大势趋向和平。

    The tendency of events is towards peace .

  5. 我开始镇定下来,觉得大势已定。

    I began to steady the palsy of my nerves and to feel that the Rubicon was crossed .

  6. 我们要着眼长远、把握大势,开门问策、集思广益,研究新情况、作出新规划。

    We should adopt a long-term perspective , grasping the trend of the times and extensively pooling wisdom to study new circumstances and make new plans .

  7. 要系统总结我国量子科技发展的成功经验,借鉴国外的有益做法,深入分析研判量子科技发展大势,找准我国量子科技发展的切入点和突破口。

    It is imperative and judge the development trend , and find out the breakthrough point for the development of quantum science and technology in China .

  8. KD指标对指数大势较准确,对个股较差。

    KD is more accurate in index trend than individual share .

  9. 降水Z指数在河南旱涝监测中的应用全球变暖与中国旱涝灾害大势的初步研究

    Application Research on Precipitation Z Index in Henan Drought - flood Monitor TRENDS OF FLOOD AND DROUGHT IN CHINA

  10. 而高级长期演进(LTE-A)系统也必将是未来通信系统的大势。

    While long term evolution advanced ( LTE-A ) wireless system will be widely used in the future .

  11. 3PL的发展壮大势必会推动全球的供应链水平向更高层次迈进,促使全球的生产力水平出现新的飞跃。

    The development and strengthening of 3PL should push the global supply chain level to a higher level , and speed up the global productivity level to have a new leap .

  12. 面对移动互联网和3G手机媒体崛起的大势,无论是媒体界,还是3G应用开发业、通信运营商、政府机构、以及使用主体的手机客户都已经显现出不同程度的响应和参与。

    In face of the booming mobile internet and 3G cell phone media , the news media , 3G application development industry , communication operators , government agencies and the main users-cell phone clients-have all manifested certain levels of responses and involvement .

  13. 但有两个可能改变大势的因素苏格兰民族党党魁、苏格兰首席大臣亚历克斯萨尔蒙德(alexsalmond)高超的政治手腕,以及英国联合政府在苏格兰的惨淡人气。

    But there are two wild cards the considerable political skills of Alex Salmond , the SNP leader and Scottish first minister , and the unpopularity of the UK coalition government in Scotland .

  14. 势分大势、中势、小势。

    Potential is general trend , middle potential or small potential .

  15. 全球变暖与中国旱涝灾害大势的初步研究泥沙研究的发展趋势和新课题

    Trends of flood and drought in China Outlook for Sediment Research

  16. 日本帝国主义投降的大势已经定了。

    The surrender of Japanese imperialism is now a foregone conclusion .

  17. 独个的市场很难偏离大势。

    It is rare for individual markets to go against the trend .

  18. 聚焦2006风云透析电信大势&点击2006中国信息通信业十大关键词

    Top Ten Words of China 's Information Industry in 2006

  19. 全球变化与浙江洪水大势

    Global change and the tendency of flood in Zhejiang

  20. 在今后的发展中应提高畜牧业生产水平,畜牧业生产要求集约化是大势所需。

    We should improve animal production in the future .

  21. 国际变革大势与中国发展大局中的知识产权制度

    Intellectual Property Right System : Under the Background of International Change and Chinese Development

  22. 世界的美学大势是走向人学。

    The general trend of aesthetics in the world is oriented to the humanities .

  23. 从宗教理念视角观察世界和平大势

    On the World Peace in Perspective of Religions

  24. 面对世界大势的中国电影发展认识

    The Development of Chinese Cinema Facing the Globalization

  25. 中国零售业正逐渐成为中国经济的晴雨表,2004年中国经济发展的大势不可阻挡,因此零售业仍将继续向前发展。

    Now the retail trade is gradually to be the thermometer of economy in China .

  26. 船型船价及市场大势

    Ship type , price and market trend

  27. 皮草手袋成为秋季流行大势也在情理之中。

    So it makes sense that fur handbags would be a big trend for fall .

  28. 也叫做大势投资者。

    These are called momentum investors .

  29. 因此,大学农业教育要服务于农业、农村和农民是大势之必然。

    So , University agricultural education should serve the agriculture , rural areas and the peasants .

  30. 古希腊最常见的裙装——单肩裙,在今夏也有秒杀大势。

    A common style in ancient Greece , one-shoulder dresses are a killer trend this summer .