- 名multimodal transport operator

Differently with previous scholars , this article from the perspective of the multimodal transport operator , builds the whole multimodal transport network into a unified super-network , and combining the latest GIS technology , and intuitively display the path optimization results to the operator .
Research on the Legal Status of Multimodal Transport Operator
Period of Air Carriers Responsibility Exemption of Liability of Multi-modal Transport Operator
Chapter three analyzes the multimodal transport operators ' responsibility .
Limitation of Liability of Multi-modal Transport Operator
Chapter two deals with the multimodal transport operators ' legal status under the Rotterdam Rules .
Non-Vessel Operating Multi-modal Transport Operators
They do not , however-and , indeed , they cannot-legislate for the commercial and financial standing of the CTO .
However , such separate contracts shall not affect the responsibility of the multimodal transport operator with respect to the entire transport .
Because effective value concerns the interests of business people , the liability rules build a natural bias in the multimodal transport operator .
This paper tries to build a legal system related by introducing the International Convention of the responsibility system of international multimodal transport operator .
The multimodal transport operator shall comply with the applicable law of the country in which he operates and with the provisions of this Convention .
This will be resolved by commercial willingness or by commercial unwillingness to regard a CT document issued by any particular CTO as a worthwhile document .
Analysis of company cases makes the model more practical , which can provide considerable reference value to freighters when they decide how to choose transport plan .
They will come forth in four kinds of different roles in different situations , respectively as agent , intermediary , NVOCC and international multimode transportation operator .
Construction of Rules on Limits of Multimodal Transport Operator Liability for Damaged Goods ── Review concurrently relevant articles of contract law and maritime law of our country
With the development of the international trade and international transportation , Freight Forwarder has enlarged its operating scope and developed NVOCC from traditional Freight Forward whose responsibility is as an agent .
Freight forwarding , in today 's Shipping markets , has been developed from the traditional roles acting as a pure agent or intermediary to today 's NVOCC and international multimode transportation operator .
Chapter one first analyses the concept of the port operator , pointing out the difference from the carrier , multimodel transport operator , freight forwarder and stevedore and the relations with the actual port operator .
Multi-modal Transport Operators Liability for Concealed Cargo Damage
The multimodal transport document shall be signed by the multimodal transport operator or by a person having authority from him .
I clarify the definition of multi-modal transport , actual carrier , fulfil assistant , and multi-modal document .
Where damage to or loss of the cargo occurred within a particular segment of the course of a multi-modal carriage , the multi-modal carriage operator 's liability for damages and any limitation thereon are governed by the applicable transportation law of the jurisdiction which such segment is under .
Legislation of multimodal transport in our country also has adopted that one , but it needs to be improved in respect of construction of practical rules .
Multi-modal transport plays an increasingly important role in the world transport and economy , for which more emphases are put on the unification of the liability system of multi-modal transport operator ( MTO ) .