
  • 网络SUV;MPV;multi-purpose vehicle
  1. 作为新一代多功能车的代表,开迪成为警务用车的首选顺理成章。

    As the spokesman for the new generation of MPV , Caddy rationally becomes the optimal choice of police departments .

  2. 豪华车生产商甚至包括那些从未涉足过运动型多功能车(SUV)的车商也纷纷投身生产酷越车的行列。

    Luxury manufacturers even those who never built an SUV are jumping into crossovers .

  3. 基于ADAMS软件的多功能车操纵稳定性仿真研究

    Simulation research on multi-purpose vehicle handling stability based on ADAMS

  4. 中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)昨日表示,仅3月份当月,轿车、运动型多功能车(SUV)以及其他乘用车型的销量就攀升至约200万辆。

    In March alone , sales of cars , sport utility and other passenger vehicles climbed to almost 2m , the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said yesterday .

  5. 而美国的数据仅包括乘用车、皮卡和运动型多功能车(suv)。

    Its US figure excludes everything except passenger cars , pick-up trucks and sport utility vehicles .

  6. 但国产品牌中获得销量增长的并非价格适中的豪华轿车,而是价格低廉、欢快的运动型多功能车(SUV)。

    But the growth is not in affordable luxury sedans but in cheap and cheerful sport utility vehicles .

  7. 金融危机之后,高档车和运动型多功能车(suv)的销量比“量产”品牌汽车下跌幅度更大。

    Sales of premium cars and SUVs fell more steeply than " volume " brands after the financial crisis .

  8. 美国汽车企业在全球遭遇疲软的原因之一,就是它们过度依赖国内市场对卡车及运动型多功能车(suv)的需求。

    One reason for the global weakness of US companies is their over-dependence on domestic demand for trucks and sports utility vehicles .

  9. 3月份,大众汽车(VW)表示,将在墨西哥投资10亿美元扩大小型运动型多功能车(SUV)的生产,这些车将面向美国出口。

    In March , VW said it would invest $ 1bn expanding its production of small SUVs in Mexico for export to the US .

  10. 除了以运动型多功能车(suv)驰名的民营企业长城汽车(greatwallmotors)等几家知名公司之外,中国的大多数汽车公司都瞄准了低端出口市场。

    With a few notable exceptions , such as Great Wall Motors , a privately owned Chinese group best known for its sport utility vehicles , most Chinese car companies are targeting the lower end of export markets .

  11. 丰田汽车(Toyota)第一财季(4-6月)净利润大幅下降28%,原因是其卡车及运动型多功能车(SUV)在美国市场的销量急剧下降。

    Toyota suffered a 28 per cent slump in net profits in its fiscal first quarter after a steep decline in US sales of trucks and sport-utility vehicles .

  12. 这家总部位于底特律的汽车制造商上周表示,将加速关闭位于美国、加拿大及墨西哥的4个皮卡(pick-uptruck)和运动型多功能车(suv)装配工厂。

    The Detroit-based carmaker said last week that it was speeding up the closure of four pick-up truck and sport-utility vehicle assembly plants in the US , Canada and Mexico .

  13. 若计入运动型多功能车(SUV)的销量增长,今年1至2月中国的乘用车销量同比增长超过11%,达到了260万辆。

    Including a surge in sales of SUVs , passenger car sales in China increased more than 11 per cent year on year to 2.6m units .

  14. 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)、福特汽车(FordMotorCompany)及其他一些品牌举行了奢华的新闻发布会,而沃尔沃则展示了新款轿车S90,其旗舰款运动型多功能车XC90也获得了2015年度最佳新款卡车大奖。

    While General Motors , Ford Motor and others held lavish news conferences , Volvo showed off a new sedan , the S90 , and won recognition for its flagship sport utility vehicle , the XC90 , as the best truck introduced in 2015 .

  15. 同时,一些耗油量大的运动型多功能车(SUV)销量同比上升了91%。

    Sales of some models of fuel-hungry sports utility vehicles , meanwhile , were as much as 91 per cent higher last month than a year ago .

  16. 在美国,中产家庭想要的是一辆用于接送孩子的安全的汽车,基本上是体型庞大的昂贵小型货车或运动型多功能车(SUV)。

    In the US , middle-class families would like a safe vehicle in which to transport their children , typically a big , expensive minivan or SUV .

  17. 目击者表示,嫌疑人已驾驶一辆黑色运动型多功能车(SUV)逃离现场,他们可能身着防弹衣或军用装备。警方随后对这辆车开展了追逐。

    Police chased a dark SUV after witnesses said the suspects had fled the scene in the vehicle and were possibly wearing body armour or military style gear .

  18. 美国轮轴制造公司持续7周的罢工运动,令供应商们面临的困境雪上加霜。这家大型供应商为通用汽车(GM)的运动型多功能车(SUV)及小型货车提供底盘和其它配件。

    The impact on suppliers has been compounded by a seven-week strike at American Axle , a big supplier of chassis and other components for General Motors ' sports utility vehicles and pick-up trucks .

  19. 对沃尔沃来说,更重要的车型将会是XC90这款运动型多功能车(SUV),以及在底特律推出的新款S60轿车。

    More important will be the XC90 , a sport utility vehicle , and a new S60 saloon , being launched in Detroit .

  20. 停车场里泊满了一排排崭新的轿车和运动型多功能车(SUV),在葱翠的茶山和著名的紫金山映衬下,显得格外耀眼。

    The rows of car lots filled with shiny new sedans and sport utility vehicles stand out against the backdrop of lush tea-growing hills and the legendary Purple Mountain .

  21. 面对可能只是暂时征收的汽油税,司机不太可能放弃他们的运动型多功能车(suv);研发活动将更加试探性。

    Drivers will be unlikely to abandon their SUVs in the face of a gasoline tax that might be temporary ; research and development activity will be even more tentative .

  22. 宝马X3紧凑型SUV(运动型多功能车)的销量增长了一倍以上,而新的宝马5系中型轿车销量猛增80%。

    Sales of the X3 compact sport utility vehicle more than doubled , while sales of its new BMW 5 series midsized saloon rose by 80 per cent .

  23. 但更直接的影响是,塔塔汽车在中国的售价开始下降,与全球车企适应消费者口味变化是一致的——中国消费者开始更喜欢国内品牌生产的廉价的、欢快的运动型多功能车(SUV)。

    But more immediately , prices are falling in China as global manufacturers react to a shift in consumer tastes towards cheap and cheerful sport utility vehicles made by domestic brands .

  24. 当你受制于高昂的结构性成本、过度扩张的经销商网络和鼓励制造卡车和运动型多功能车(SUV)的规章时,这个行业变得尤为艰难。

    It is particularly hard when you are stuck with high structural costs , an inflated dealer network and regulations that provide you with incentives to make trucks and sports utility vehicles .

  25. 这是该瑞典公司备受吹捧、耗资110亿美元打造的车辆生产平台下线的第二款大型车,而第一款则是广受好评、外形典雅的XC90运动型多功能车(SUV)。

    The car is the second big model to come off the Swedish brand 's heavily touted $ 11bn vehicle platform and follows the sleek , critically acclaimed XC90 sport utility vehicle .

  26. GMC是一个令人肃然起敬的卡车品牌,但它与雪佛兰严重重叠。雪佛兰在5月份卖掉了7.2万辆卡车、货车和运动型多功能车(SUV),而GMC仅卖掉了2.4万辆。

    GMC is a venerable truck brand but it overlaps heavily with Chevrolet , which sold 72,000 trucks , vans and sport utility vehicles in May compared with GMC 's 24,000 .

  27. 运动型多功能车(SUV)销量激增,加上中国对德国高档车的强劲需求,帮助保时捷(Porsche)今年上半年的营业利润录得59%的增长。

    Surging sales of sports utility vehicles and strong Chinese demand for German premium cars helped Porsche register a 59 per cent increase in operating profit in the first six months of the year .

  28. 来到展会的参观者最有兴趣了解新款运动型多功能车(SUV),一些人似乎并不关心汽车尾气排放问题,尽管尾气是造成许多城市出现雾霾的原因。

    Visitors to the show are most interested in checking out the latest sport utility vehicles , and some appear unconcerned about car emissions , even though they contribute to smog in many cities .

  29. 运动型多功能车(SUV)的销量增长最快,这种车在快速壮大的中产阶层中极受欢迎。今年10月,这种车的销量同比增长逾60%。

    Sales of sport utility vehicles , the fastest-growing segment and a car popular with the rapidly growing middle class , rose more than 60 per cent in October over the same month a year ago .

  30. 这两个行业也是密切相连的:马欣德拉在印度的核心汽车业务是面向当地对价格敏感的市场提供运动型多功能车(SUV),TechMahindra的国际业务则包括为无人驾驶汽车开发软件。

    The two sectors are closely connected too : while the core of Mahindra 's Indian motor business is SUVs for the price-conscious local market , Tech Mahindra 's international work includes producing software for driverless vehicles .