
duō yún
  • cloudy;broken sky
多云[duō yún]
  1. 今天夜间多云。

    Tonight will be cloudy .

  2. 晴雨表的指针指向“多云”。

    The needle on the barometer was pointing to " cloudy " .

  3. 今天天气将阴伴多云。

    Today it will be dull and overcast .

  4. 天气预报上说多云并伴有阵雨。

    The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies

  5. 天气多云潮湿。

    The day is overcast and humid .

  6. 明天的天气:上午晴,下午转多云。

    The weather for tomorrow : Clear in the morning , changing to light overcast in the afternoon .

  7. 天气阴暗多云。

    The day was dull , with a cloudy sky .

  8. 但另一个人可能会说,"是的,东部多云。"

    But another man may say , " Yes , it 's cloudy in the east . "

  9. 明天将是一个多云有雾的寒冷天。

    Tomorrow it will be cold , cloudy , and foggy .

  10. 无线电收音机报道明天多云。

    The radio says it will be cloudy tomorrow .

  11. 今天是多云多风的天气。

    It 's cloudy and windy today .

  12. 多云天气表现出不规则的双峰。比较而言,紫李、黑琥珀李比海湾红宝石李有较高Pn。

    Purple plum and Black amber had higher Pn than Gulf ruby .

  13. 多云天气异戊二烯排放通量的计算地膜覆盖使土壤中N2O排放通量增加。

    The Calculation of Isoprene Emission Flux under Cloudy Sky Conditions and the increase of the flux by the clear plastic film mulch .

  14. 当处于暖湿气流控制,地面为小风或静风、气温较高、湿度较大的多云天气时,易出现O3超标情况。

    Under the conditions of warm and wet current control , faint ground wind or calm and cloudy weather with high humidity , ozone concentration exceeded the standard easily , too .

  15. 经冬季试验研究发现,晴天和多云天气,CO2浓度预测值与实测值比较吻合,相关系数超过0.88,相对误差平均值低于10%。

    The results showed that the simulated data of inside CO2 concentration is well consistent with the measured data under the condition of sunny or cloudy day , and the related coefficient was more than 0.88 and the average relative error was less than 10 % .

  16. 结果表明ASAR数据可以广泛应用于多云多雨地区的土地覆盖分类,农作物估产,船只探测和海洋等领域。

    The result shows that ASAR data can find a wide use in many fields such as crop growth . monitoring , ocean and ship detection .

  17. 结果表明:(1)冬小麦返青前后的土壤呼吸速率(SRR)在晴或多云天气条件下都要高于阴天,SRR的日变化都表现为单峰变化趋势。

    The main results were as follows : ( 1 ) The soil respiration rate ( SRR ) on clear or cloudy day was markedly higher than that on overcast day before and after reviving .

  18. 利用8mm辐射计对8月份几种天气情况(晴、多云、阴)进行观测实验,统计结果表明多云和阴天对8mm辐射计的亮温有明显影响。

    The atmospheric radiant characteristics measured by 8mm radiometer had been introduced and analyzed for several kinds of weather ( sunny , cloudy , overcast ) . The experiment shows that cloud has an obvious effect on the apparent temperature of atmosphere .

  19. 不管是晴天还是多云,只要你在户外,涂抹SPF15(或更高)、而且含有氧化锌和二氧化钛成分的防晒霜。

    Whether it 's sunny or cloudy , when you step outside , wear sunblock that offers an SPF of 15 ( or higher ) and contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide .

  20. 不会下雪,会多云。

    It 's not snowing , and there are some clouds .

  21. 天气预报说今晚多云见晴。

    The weather report says it will be fine this evening .

  22. 在阴沉多云的日子里天空是灰暗的。

    The sky is gray on a dull , cloudy day .

  23. 明天局部多云,下午有短暂阵雨。

    Tomorrow will be partly cloudy with a brief afternoon shower .

  24. 多云有雨。我们不能去游泳了。

    It 's cloudy and rainy . We can 't swim .

  25. 太阳光谱方法和多云模型应用研究总结

    Summary on solar spectral methods and application studies of multi-cloud model

  26. 天气怎么样?多云的天气。

    How is the weather ? It 's a cloudy day .

  27. 有时看似多云的日子,仍有机会被紫外线灼伤。

    We got burnt by UV even under seemingly cloudy skies .

  28. 多云,间中有大雨及几阵狂风雷暴。

    Cloudy with occasional heavy rain and a few squally thunderstorms .

  29. 一个多云的大风天,温泉或者爵士乐。

    A cloudy windy day , hot pool or jazz .

  30. 外面天气如何?多云。

    What 's it like outside ? It 's cloudy .