
fù yuán
  • demobilize
复员 [fù yuán]
  • (1) [demobilize]

  • (2) 武装力量和政治、经济、文化等部门从战时状态转入平时状态

  • (3) 军人因服役期满或战争结束而解除军职

复员[fù yuán]
  1. 随着部队的不断撤离,一些部队单位将复员。

    As this progressive withdrawal takes place , a number of units shall demobilize .

  2. 他于1946年复员。

    He was demobbed in 1946 .

  3. 我在复员之后才回到了布鲁塞尔。

    I didn 't get back to Brussels until after my demob

  4. 他们没有发给你一套复员装吗?

    Didn 't they give you a demob suit ?

  5. 在我退役的时候,我决定复员过平民生活。

    At the end of my term of enlistment I decided to return to civilian life .

  6. 我还在空军部队服役,不过几个月之后我就要复员了。

    I 'm still in the air force , though I 'll be demobbed in a couple of months .

  7. 我在部队里呆了一年,直到复员以后才回到美国。

    I spent one year in the service and did not come back to the United States until after I was demobilized .

  8. 他是二次复员,才从伊拉克回来。

    He just got back from his second tour in iraq .

  9. 美国二战士兵解体式复员的原因

    Analyzing Reasons for Retirement Like Disintegration of American World War ⅱ Soldiers

  10. 复员后经营自己的公司。

    Currently he has his own investment and consulting business .

  11. 第四,国民政府对南京教育复员没有足够的重视。

    Fourth , the government did not attach enough importance to the restoration .

  12. 复员战士和流离失所人员建设性重返社会委员会;

    Commission on the social and productive reintegration of demobilized and displaced people ;

  13. 协助遣散士兵复员和重新融入社会

    Assistance to the rehabilitation and reintegration of demobilized soldiers

  14. 解除武装、复员和重返社会工作队;

    Disarmament , demobilization and reintegration task force ;

  15. 通过职业培训寻求有利工作的复员计划。

    A program of rehabilitation through job training with an eye to gainful employment .

  16. 复员时期的中国红十字会

    The Chinese Red Cross during the Demobilization Period

  17. 你说的对,但是……不是每个复员兵都能遇上你这种深居简出的亿万富翁。

    You 're right , but ... Not every ex-soldier meets a reclusive billionaire .

  18. 军队干部和战士的转业费、复员费;

    Military severance pay and demobilization pay for officers and soldiers of the armed forces ;

  19. 从部队复员后,他就开始了自己的笔耕生涯。

    He started to write after demobilization .

  20. 复员和重返社会联合委员会;

    Joint Commission for demobilization and reintegration ;

  21. 他们都是些复员回家的联盟军士兵。

    They were Confederate soldiers walking home .

  22. 英国士兵渴待复员。

    British troops were impatient for demobilization .

  23. 敌对状态结束后,总统仍以复员权的名义保留了许多战时权力。

    After hostilities have ceased Presidents retain many wartime powers by means of the demobilization powers .

  24. 但是,从经济角度来说,军人复员转业并不会让我们停留在与遣散之前的经济状态。

    But the demobilization will not leave us economically just where we were before it started .

  25. 清除了地雷、促成战斗人员复员

    By clearing land-mines and demobilizing combatants

  26. 您刚刚提到复员军队,那么你们的军队呢?

    Q. You just mentioned about decommissioning the army . What will happen to your army ?

  27. 他叔叔在部队服役三年后,去年复员了?

    His uncle left the army last year after he had served three years in the army .

  28. 打败法国之后,希特勒已经使部分战士复员到农场和工厂当自由工人。

    After beating France , Hitler had partially demobilized to free workers for the farms and factories .

  29. 亨利将会休息,范佩尔西也许会在膝伤复员后出场。

    Thierry Henry will be rested and Robin van Persie may be back after a knee problem .

  30. 作者拟从三个方面初步考察复员时期中国红十字会的工作;

    The article expounds the work of the Chinese Red Cross during the Demobilization Period from threes parts .