- conchospore

Chloroplast , nucleus and mitochondria are the main organelles in the conchospore .
Cytological studies of porphyra & an observation on nuclear division during the fertile cell row development and conchospore germination
Both survival and division rates of conchospores of YZ-3 strain were significantly higher than those of WT strain either in culture at 28 ℃ and 29 ℃ .
It is showed that ( 1 ) No mutants are investigated in every control group , ( 2 ) the conchospores of all the three species of Porphyra are easy to be induced by NG for they are in the stage of breeding .
The influence of light intensities on the adherence of the conchospores of Porphyra yezoensis
The influence of specific gravity of sea water on the discharge and adherence of conchospores of Porphyra yezoensis Veda
The division and regeneration of nori cells on solid medium is much the same as that in liquid medium in certain extent .
The techniques about carpospore collection , cultivation of protonema , regulation of illumination , measure of induced mature were reported in the paper .
The results were reported as follows : the rate of ascospores germination was the highest in 25 % decoction of pine-needle , and the following is 2 % glucose solution , 20 % potato decoction , 2 % sucrose solution and sterile water .
Results : there exiss some differences among several common Monascus fungi in supermicro-morphologic characters including hypha , conidium , cleistothecium , ascospores and so on , which serve as deposing the evidences to classify and identify Monascus fungi .
Its main source could be divided into two kinds of states : in partly villages and towns of Minghe and Ledu counties with corn planting , the sources mainly were the procreant perithecium and ascospore on the corn stubbles and ones stalks ;
On water agar plates , conidia of C. minitans harvested from rapeseed stubbles germinated by higher than 90 after incubation at 20 ℃ for 48 h.
Effect of oxalic acid on spore germination and mycelial growth of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans Conidia germination was best at 25 ℃ .