
shēng yīn
  • sound;voice
声音 [shēng yīn]
  • (1) [sound]

  • (2) 使人产生听觉的振动

  • (3) 一种由物体振动而发生的波造成的听觉印象

  • (4) [voice]∶某些起与人的语言相同作用的工具或表达手段

  • 代表法律的庄严的声音

声音[shēng yīn]
  1. 她从他呼吸的声音中听出来他睡着了。

    The sound of his breathing told her he was asleep .

  2. 音乐和舞蹈的声音使得整个大厅似乎都在震颤。

    The hall reverberated with the sound of music and dancing .

  3. 他的声音里流露着友好诙谐的语调。

    There was a friendly , bantering tone in his voice .

  4. 远处嘎吱嘎吱的声音回响在漆黑的走廊里,怪可怕的。

    Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along the dark corridors .

  5. 他的声音掩盖不了内心的担忧。

    His voice betrayed the worry he was trying to hide .

  6. “但是为什么…?”她的声音细了下去。

    ' But why … ? ' Her voice tailed away .

  7. 他声音里含有一种烦人的扬扬得意的口气。

    There was a jarring note of triumph in his voice .

  8. 他们听着波浪拍击海滩的声音。

    They listened to the wash of waves on the beach .

  9. “我只希望…”她的声音越来越小,最后听不到了。

    ' I only hope … ' , she trailed off .

  10. 她告诉我们这可怕的消息时,声音都变了。

    Her voice broke as she told us the dreadful news .

  11. 我能听见马打响鼻儿、跺蹄子的声音。

    I could hear the snort and stamp of a horse .

  12. 一群抗议者大叫大嚷,盖过了讲话人的声音。

    The speaker was shouted down by a group of protesters .

  13. 她热切希望再听到他的声音。

    She was filled with longing to hear his voice again .

  14. 为避免引起不必要的注意,他把声音压低了。

    To avoid attracting unwelcome attention he kept his voice down .

  15. 考虑到这录音已年代久远,听起来声音还是挺清楚的。

    The recording sounds very crisp , considering its age .

  16. 那奇怪的声音和亮光把我们吓坏了。

    We were spooked by the strange noises and lights .

  17. 这声音实际上是人耳难以听得到的。

    The sound is virtually undetectable to the human ear .

  18. 他们的声音飘过湖面传到了另一边。

    The sound of their voices wafted across the lake .

  19. 金属容器开始发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音。

    The metal container began to emit a clicking sound .

  20. 他好不容易才使别人听见他的声音。

    He had a hard job to make himself heard .

  21. 他的声音中流露出了深切的悲伤。

    There was more than a hint of sadness in his voice .

  22. 卡车的声音渐渐在远处消失了。

    The sound of the truck receded into the distance .

  23. “你来啦。”我身后一个声音说道。

    ' There you are , ' said a voice behind me .

  24. 简不禁声音颤抖。

    Jane couldn 't help the quiver in her voice .

  25. 烹调结束时,微波炉会发出哔哔的声音。

    The microwave will bleep when your meal is ready .

  26. “那是什么声音?”他喘着气问。

    ' What was that noise ? ' he gasped .

  27. 看到她没在听他讲话,他声音严厉起来。

    He hardened his voice when he saw she wasn 't listening .

  28. 经过训练,那些动物对声音形成了条件反射。

    The animals were conditioned to respond to auditory stimuli .

  29. “胆小鬼!”内心一个小声音坚持说。

    ' Coward ! ' a tiny inner voice insisted .

  30. 街对面有个声音招呼我们。

    A voice hailed us from the other side of the street .