
  • 【电影】Spartacus
  1. 知识和耐心,是击败强者的唯一方法。——《斯巴达克斯》

    Knowledge and patience . The only counter to greater skill .

  2. 我已经推断出奴隶军的将军,斯巴达克斯。

    I have concluded that the slave general , spartacus .

  3. 斯巴达克斯的军队爬过了城墙逃跑了。

    The army of Spartacus climbed the walls and escaped .

  4. 我没有理由背叛你,斯巴达克斯。

    I have no reason to betray you , spartacus .

  5. 他是斯巴达克斯的好朋友。

    We think he was a close friend of spartacus .

  6. 或许你并没有选择这个时代,斯巴达克斯。

    You may not have chosen this moment , spartacus .

  7. 他们都听过斯巴达克斯的事。

    And they have all heard the story of spartacus .

  8. 让我做下一个上前线与斯巴达克斯作战的将军。

    General of the next army sent against spartacus .

  9. 对,就像《斯巴达克斯》里浴室那场戏那样

    Yeah , like the bath scene in " Spartacus . " Okay .

  10. 就像《斯巴达克斯》里面托尼·柯蒂斯那种

    You know , on top , like Tony Curtis in " Spartacus . "

  11. 你们记得斯巴达克斯那部电影吗

    Do you remember the movie Spartacus ?

  12. 斯巴达克斯会把他们两个都打败。

    Spartacus will defeat them both .

  13. 科特尔出现在汤姆·克鲁斯最新的电影《侠探杰克》以及美剧《斯巴达克斯》中,但是他将在下个月成为焦点,出演《虎胆龙威5》中布鲁斯·威利斯的儿子。

    Courtney appeared in the recent Tom Cruise movie Jack Reacher and on the TV show Spartacus , but he 'll take center stage next month as Bruce Willis ' son in A Good Day To Die Hard .