
  • 网络TAHOUA;Talwar;Macatawa;Deepak Srivastava
  1. 他在给一位友人的信中提到了这座当时刚刚建成的新桥,称伏尔塔瓦河(VltavaRiver)的这一河段颇受自杀者欢迎:“从桥上走到观景楼,总比从这条河进入天堂要愉快得多。”

    He wrote to a friend about the then-new bridge , saying that this part of the Vltava River had been popular for suicide attempts : " It will always be more pleasant to walk across the bridge up to the Belvedere than through the river to Heaven . "

  2. 孟先生称,斯里瓦斯塔瓦随后被带到了警察局,因为guanghe公司认为他犯有诈骗罪。

    Mr Meng said Mr Srivastav had then been taken to a police station because Guanghe believed he was guilty of fraud .

  3. 该公司称,宁波yibao公司一位交易员jamesxu却告诉斯里瓦斯塔瓦,直到goldarrow公司就此前已交货的一批废金属质量问题支付赔偿后,才可以让他离开宁波。

    It alleged that James Xu , a Ningbo Yibao trader , instead told him he would not be allowed to leave the city until goldarrow paid compensation for quality problems with a previously delivered scrap shipment .

  4. goldarrow表示,该公司曾通知英国官员,斯里瓦斯塔瓦遭到了绑架,公司担心他有生命危险,但最终不了了之。

    Goldarrow says it told British officials that Mr Srivastav had been kidnapped and that the company feared for his life , but with little result .

  5. 斯里瓦斯塔瓦的研究小组还检测分析了存在于花椰菜等十字花科蔬菜中的异硫氰酸苯乙酯(phenethylisothiocyanate,PEITC)对卵巢癌细胞产生的作用。

    His team also examined phenethyl isothiocyanate ( PEITC ), a constituent of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli , on ovarian cancer cells .

  6. 与他人共同创立印度软件和服务业企业行业协会(Nasscom)的萨乌拉博•斯利瓦斯塔瓦(SaurabhSrivastava)说,企业衰败所带来的混乱会影响整个印度技术产业的声誉。

    A disorderly collapse would have hurt the reputation of the entire Indian technology industry , says Saurabh Srivastava , who co-founded Nasscom , a club of technology firms in India .

  7. guanghe公司老板(仅自称孟)表示,该公司代表于10月17日上午在上海一家机场发现了斯里瓦斯塔瓦,并请他返回宁波。

    The head of Guanghe , who gave his name only as Meng , said representatives of the company found Mr Srivastav at a Shanghai airport early on October 17 and had asked him to return .

  8. 斯里瓦斯塔瓦称,离开机场后,这些人驱车带他来到宁波的一家小旅馆,把他强行扣留在那里,直到goldarrow同意将价值35万美元的货运单据寄给中国客户。

    Mr Srivastav says that after being taken from the airport they drove him to a small hotel in Ningbo and held him there against his will until goldarrow agreed to send shipping documents worth $ 350000 to the Chinese customer .

  9. 用英语说“Vltava”(伏尔塔瓦河)的意思是“有害细菌的水平.”

    In English , Vltava means " unhealthy bacteria level . "

  10. 桑蒂西莫-特立尼达-德-巴拉那和杰西-德-塔瓦兰古耶酥会传教场所

    Jesuit Missions of La Santisima Trinidad de Parana and Jesus de Tavarangue

  11. 我想塔瓦豆已经掉下桌子了。

    I guess the tava beans are off the table .

  12. 萨维萨提曼和萨维瓦帕,是伊斯瓦塔瓦的另外一些名字。

    SAR veshaktiman and sarvevyapak , were some other names of ishwar tattva .

  13. 谁想要在伏尔塔瓦河裸泳?

    Who wants to swim naked in the Vltava ?

  14. 斯里瓦斯塔瓦还进一步表示,他和同事在试验室发现,使辣椒具有辣味的辣椒素对胰腺癌细胞具有抑止作用。

    We discovered that red chili pepper and broccoli appear to be effective inhibitors of the cancer process .

  15. 然后朝圣者们会绕着卡阿巴逆时针方向走七圈,进行一个叫做塔瓦幅的仪式。

    And then walk seven times around the Kaabaa , counter clockwise in a ritual called the Tawaf .

  16. 卡塔尔世界杯最高委员会秘书长哈桑·阿尔-塔瓦迪告知美国联合通讯社,该项锦标赛会如期举行。

    Hassan al-Thawadi , Qatar World Cup supreme committee secretary-general , told the AP that the tournament will go ahead as scheduled .

  17. 国王卡塔瓦雅阿尔诸那派遣他的士兵去夺回他的牛,持斧罗摩杀了整队军队,以及持斧的国王。

    King Kaartaveerya-arjuna sent his soldiers to take he cow and parashurama killed the entire army and the king with his axe .

  18. 彩票背后的技术问题深深吸引了斯里瓦斯塔瓦,这个拥有麻省理工学院与斯坦福大学学历的专业统计学家。

    As a trained statistician with degrees from MIT and Stanford University , Srivastava was intrigued by the technical problem posed by the lottery ticket .

  19. 斯里瓦斯塔瓦表示,当他考虑是否接受这一职位时,关键因素不是薪酬,而是开展创新研究的机会。

    Prof Srivastava says that when considering whether to accept the position , the issue was not remuneration but the opportunity to carry out innovative research .

  20. 斯里瓦斯塔瓦表示,教授们一致认为,更多顶尖教授前往亚洲的趋势可能继续,但他们预计,美国将保持其在教学人才市场中的份额。

    The professors agree that the trend of more top professors coming to Asia is likely to continue , but they expect the US to retain its share of talent .

  21. “第一张没中,我很得意,”斯里瓦斯塔瓦说,“这就是为什么我从不参与这些愚蠢游戏的原因。”

    " The first was a loser , and I felt pretty smug ," Srivastava says . " I thought ,' This is exactly why I never play these dumb games . '"

  22. 你不妨回想一下那些在草地设营的小群印第安人:伊里尼人、奥塔瓦人、卡豪凯扬人、肖尼人、迈阿密人,也不妨回想一下顺密西西比河而下、发现他们的法国耶稣会教徒。

    How are you to think of the small bands of Illini , Ottawas , Cahokians , Shawnee , Miamis who camped in the turkey grass , and the French Jesuits who descended the Mississippi and found them .

  23. 国王卡塔瓦雅阿尔诸那和他的军队访问了杰玛达尼,用他的神牛款待他的客人和整个军队,国王需要母牛,而达玛达尼却拒绝,因为他需要母亲作为宗教祭礼。

    King Kaartaveerya-arjuna and his army visited jamadagni , who fed his guest and the whole army with his divine cow ; the King demanded the cow and Jamadagni refused because he needed the cow for his religious ceremonies .