
dǔ chē
  • traffic jam;heavy traffic
  1. 堵车、爆胎等情况会耽误他更多时间。

    A traffic jam , flat tyres , etc.can delay him further .

  2. 影响脑卒中EMS院前转运效率的因素有堵车因素、人为因素、路面因素,天气变化影响不明显。

    There were some factors affected stroke EMS pre-hospital transit efficiency . As follows , traffic jam factors , human factors , road factors , weather was not obvious .

  3. 我估计他们是堵车了。

    My bet is that they 've been held up in traffic .

  4. 那一地区常常堵车。

    Traffic jams are a common occurrence in that area .

  5. 堵车可真烦人。

    Traffic jams are extremely annoying .

  6. 我们可以以每小时480公里的速度飞行避开红绿灯和堵车。

    We could fly at 480 km per hour , avoiding traffic lights and busy roads .

  7. 在拥堵的路上爬行了好几英里之后,司机才发现原来整个堵塞是发呆堵车导致的。

    After miles of creeping along the congested highway , the motorist discovered the source of the frustration was only a gawker jam .

  8. 发呆堵车指驾车人把车速减下来发呆导致的交通堵塞,他们可能正出神地盯着方向盘,甚至都没有听到车后警示的喇叭声。

    Gawker jam is a traffic jam caused by drivers slowing down to gawk , they may be staring at the wheel in an unthinking way , not even hearing the warning horns behind their cars .

  9. 这个schoolrun的时间一到,路上一下子多了好多车,在上下班高峰期的时候,就造成堵车。

    Neil : Well , many people complain about the school run because it means there is a lot of extra traffic on the roads when they are trying to drive to work .

  10. 95.44%的EMS存在耽误,其中,85.44%是堵车,18.45%的EMS存在绕道。

    95.44 % of the EMS were delay , 85.44 % of which were the traffic jams , there were bypass in 18.45 % of the EMS .

  11. 而在ETC(电子不停车收费)系统中使用RFID技术,特别是高速公路自动收费的应用上,可以有效解决收费成本高、管理混乱、排队堵车以及汽车拥堵造成的尾气污染。

    In the ETC ( Electronic Toll Collection ) system using RFID technology , especially in the automated highway toll collection applications , the technology can be cost-effective solution to high fees , management confusion , line up congestion caused by traffic jams and car exhaust pollution .

  12. 美国汽车服务公司Uber本周在北京正式推出叫车应用软件,但却面临着如何应对北京堵车的难题。

    Uber formally launched its ride-summoning smartphone app in Beijing this week . But the Chinese capital has presented the U.S. car service company with a vexing problem : how to handle the city 's bumper-to-bumper traffic .

  13. 搭计程车回公寓,拿上我的闪存卡再迅速赶到SanLuisObispo,如果天还没黑没什么堵车的话我们就能在那儿赶上火车。

    We take a cab back to the apartment , get my flash drive , and then race to San Luis Obispo , where , assuming the lights are with us and minimal traffic , we 'll meet the train .

  14. 路上是不是很堵车?

    Isn 't it crowded ? Isn 't the road congested ?

  15. 还有那些大而蛮横的堵车声。

    and the noise of the traffic was loud and overbearing .

  16. 但是不幸的是堵车。

    But unluckily , I got caught in the traffic jam .

  17. 如果堵车严重的话,路上可能要花两个小时。

    When traffic is heavy , it can take two hours .

  18. 那走吧,这会儿有点堵车

    We should get going . There 's gonna be traffic .

  19. “我被堵车给耽搁了,”库马思说道。

    " I got held up in traffic ," Kugelmass said .

  20. 这个时段正是上班高峰,堵车是很正常的。

    It 's rush-hour now , so traffic jams are common .

  21. 昨天我堵车堵了一个小时。

    I was stuck in a traffic jam for an hour yesterday .

  22. 这条路一到周末就会堵车。

    This road is always jam packed during the weekend .

  23. 下雨天出车祸往往引起堵车。

    These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days .

  24. 上下班时,堵车很厉害。

    A : The traffic was terrible during rush hour .

  25. 我们遇上堵车,堵了一个多小时。

    We were stuck in traffic for over an hour .

  26. 在北京,堵车是家常便饭。

    Be in beijing , blocking a car up is common occurrence .

  27. 今天早晨堵车了。

    We were caught in a traffic jam this morning .

  28. 我在市内,堵车了,动弹不得。

    B : I 'm downtown and I 'm stuck in traffic .

  29. 今早路上有点堵车,对吧?

    Leonard : Got a bit of traffic this morning , huh ?

  30. 我迟到是因为路上堵车。

    I 'm late because I was caught in the traffic jam .