
  • 网络composition;compost
  1. 通过对堆肥化过程中微生物特征进行的研究,认为堆肥化过程中对微生物活动影响最大的因素是有机物和温度,其次是pH值。

    The thesis also makes research to characteristic of microorganisms in the process of composting , concludes that the most important factor is organic matter and temperature and the next factor is pH.

  2. 基于Biolog解析添加酶液对堆肥化过程中微生物群落代谢的影响

    Analysis of the Effect of Enzymes on Microbial Community Metabolic Profiles During Composting Using Biolog Method

  3. 实验证明G1固定剂适于堆肥化初期使用,G2、G3固定剂适于在高温期加入。

    Fixative of G_1was fit for adding at initial stages , G_2 and G_3 were fit for high temperature period .

  4. 而由于PAHs具有高疏水性,其堆肥化微生物降解过程是个传质限制过程。

    The degradation of PAHs during composting is limited by mass transfer due to its high hydrophobicity .

  5. 本文对污泥堆肥化过程中,N素的转变与损失机理采用生化反应电子计量学进行了探讨,并且讨论了固定N源、降低N素损失、提高堆肥农用价值的方法。

    In this paper , the mechanism of nitrogen loss in composting is analyzed by using electronic stoichiometry of biochemical reactions , and techniques for nitrogen conservation are explored as well .

  6. 研究结果表明,低C/N比堆肥化处理全氮含量呈下降趋势,高C/N比堆肥化处理的含氮量呈上升趋势;

    The results indicate that low ratio of C / N in the process of composting make total absolute N present a downward trend , but high ratio of C / N have upward trend ;

  7. 污泥单一添加粉煤灰或者钢渣堆肥化却能有效降低Cd的可交换态,并得出当粉煤灰和钢渣的添加量分别为干污泥质量的14%和7%时,Cd的可交换态百分含量最低。

    When adding single fly ash or steel slag in the sludge , Cd exchangeable fraction can be reduced . effectively passivated , and conclude that the optimum amount of fly ash or steel slag is14 % and7 % of the dry sludge mass .

  8. 准确判定城市生活垃圾(MSW)堆肥化处理的生物降解稳定性具有重要的环境、社会和经济意义,然而现有判定指标受垃圾组成不均匀性的影响,表现出一定的波动性。

    Stability determination of municipal solid waste ( MSW ) composting is very important in environment , society and economy . However , present estimate indices are affected heavily by uneven waste component , and take on fluctuating .

  9. 依据GB/T19277-2003/ISO14855:1999,对降解塑料聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(PBS)、丁二酸对苯二甲酸丁二醇共聚酯(PBST)进行堆肥化条件下生物降解能力的测定。

    According to GB / T 19277-2003 / ISO 14855:1999 , the biodegradation behaviors of poly ( butylene succinate )( PBS ) and poly ( butylene succinate-co-butylene terephthalate )( PBST ) was studied under controlled composting conditions .

  10. 废弃烤烟茎秆与鸡粪堆肥化利用的研究

    Utilization of Waste Tobacco Stem and Chicken Manure by Aerobic Composting

  11. 堆肥化过程的影响因素及12-20-Ⅰ型翻抛机的特点

    Affecting Factors of Composting Process and Characteristics of 12-20-I Type Turner

  12. 堆肥化是处理有机固体废物的主要方法之一。

    Composting is a general treatment method for organic solid waste .

  13. 绿化废弃物堆肥化处理模式和技术环节的探讨

    Discussion on the Composting of Garden Wastes and the Technical Process

  14. 堆肥化技术应用于生活垃圾预处理方案的费用-效益分析

    Cost - benefit Analysis on Composting of MSW Pretreatment Project

  15. 含铬污泥的堆肥化处理及其复合肥的应用效果

    The study on sludge containing chromium through composting treatment and applied effects

  16. 堆肥化过程中微生物群落的动态及接菌剂的应用效果

    Dynamics of microbial community and the effect of inoculum on the composting

  17. 城市垃圾二次性好氧堆肥化工艺的若干设计方程

    Some design formulas for two stage aerobic composting process of municipal refuse

  18. 脱水污泥好氧堆肥化处理工艺中的返料比研究

    Study on Recycle Ratio in Aerobic Composting Technology of the Dewatered Sludge

  19. 微生物接种技术应用于堆肥化中的研究进展

    Advance in the Applications of Microbial Inoculation Technology in Composting

  20. 添加无机肥料对高温堆肥化及磷素有效性的影响

    Effects of Inorganic Fertilizer Amendments on Dairy Waste Composting and Phosphorus Availability

  21. 畜禽废弃物堆肥化过程中的腐熟度评价方法

    Maturity Evaluation Method of Compost in the Progress of Animal Waste Composting

  22. 香蕉茎秆堆肥化处理腐熟度评价研究

    Study on Evaluation of Maturity during Banana Stem Composting Treatment

  23. 有机固体废弃物好氧高温堆肥化处理技术

    Aerobic and thermophilic composting technology of solid organic waste

  24. 蔬菜-秸秆废物堆肥化中细菌群落变化研究

    Analysis of bacterial communities in vegetable and straw wastes composting by Biolog method

  25. 堆肥化过程中有机污染物生物降解的研究进展

    Biodegradation of organic pollutant in compost in g process

  26. 城市污泥与有机垃圾交替式好氧厌氧堆肥化

    Alternative Aerobic and Anaerobic Composting of Municipal Sewage Sludge Mixed with Organic Garbage

  27. 城市生活垃圾堆肥化的农业生态经济效益

    Agro - eco - economic Benefit of Making Compost by Using Urban Rubbish

  28. 堆肥化技术在城市生活垃圾处理中已经得到越来越广泛地应用。

    Composting technology is applied to disposal of the municipal solid waste increasingly .

  29. 焦作市生活垃圾堆肥化处理方法探讨

    Discussion on composition of domestic refuse of Jiaozuo city

  30. 畜禽粪便堆肥化过程中的生物除臭及展望

    Bio-deodorization of offensive odor during composting treatment of livestock wastes and its prospect