
  • 网络Computer-Based Training;computer based training;CBT
  1. 技术支持的学习例子包括:基于计算机的培训系统、交互式学习环境、计算机辅助的智能教育系统、远程学习系统、协同学习环境等等。

    Examples of technology supported learning include computer-based training systems , interactive learning environments , intelligent computer-aided instruction systems , distance learning systems , and collaborative learning environments .

  2. 确定培训方法(基于计算机的培训、教室授课等)

    Identify training delivery methodology ( computer based training , classroom , etc. )

  3. 本月的《美国精神病学杂志》报道了一项基于计算机技术的培训研究,该培训主要针对认知&行为治疗。

    This month , The American Journal of Psychiatry published a study of computer-based training for cognitive-behavioral therapy .