
  • 网络ESPOO;Espo
  1. 这家总部在芬兰埃斯波的手机厂商将高端硬件设备从塞班操作系统移师微软WindowsPhone平台,并将自己的命运押在了这项决定上。

    The Espoo , Finland-based mobile phone company has bet its future on a decision to shift its high-end hardware to Microsoft Windows Phone software and away from its proprietary Symbian OS .

  2. 诺基亚削减了数万个职位,卖掉了在芬兰埃斯波(Espoo)精心建造的海滨总部,并缩减了该公司曾经引以为豪的研发。

    Nokia cut tens of thousands of jobs , sold its elaborate seaside headquarters in Espoo , Finland , and scaled back research and development , the company 's onetime jewel .

  3. 诺基亚位于赫尔辛基郊区埃斯波(Espoo)的集团总部以“PPT宫殿”著称,充斥着沉迷于内部政治、喜用微软PowerPoint软件进行演示的中层经理。考虑到微软的收购,这一嘲讽在今天看来非常贴切,也令人伤感。

    In what now seems a sadly apposite jibe , given the Microsoft takeover , the group 's headquarters in Espoo , just outside central Helsinki , became known as " the PowerPoint Palace , " filled with middle managers obsessed about internal politics and making presentations prepared with the Microsoft tool .

  4. 音托住宅,埃斯波,芬兰

    Into house , espoo , Finland , 1998

  5. 中关村发展集团的芬兰办事处就位于埃斯波,在芬兰其中一个最大的高科技园区内。

    The Finnish office of Zhongguancun Development Group is located in one of Finland 's largest high-tech park in Espoo .

  6. 穆斯林与“新来的门外汉十分相似”,约翰埃斯波西度这样说道,乔治敦大学的穆斯林和基督徒理解中心的创始主任。

    Muslims are " very much the new outsider ," said John Esposito , the founding director of Georgetown University 's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding .

  7. 诺基亚(芬兰埃斯波)将其归咎于以下因素:多个价格类别的竞争与市场趋势,尤其是在中国与欧洲;

    Nokia ( Espoo , Finland ) blamed the anticipated shortfall on the competitive dynamics and market trends across multiple price categories , particularly in China and Europe ;