
āi sī kù duō
  • escudo
  1. 分(centavo)曾在葡萄牙被用,也是葡萄牙货币埃斯库多的一种(这货币被欧元所代替)。

    The centavo was once used in Portugal , and it was a division of the Escudo ( a currency replaced by the Euro ) .

  2. 希腊德拉克马、爱尔兰镑、葡萄牙埃斯库多、西班牙比塞塔、意大利里拉,可能还有法国法郎,相对德国马克都已经贬值。

    The Greek drachma , the Irish punt , the Portuguese Escudo , the Spanish peseta , the Italian lira and , maybe , the French franc would have devalued against the Deutschmark .

  3. 这是一张一百美元钞票。我想把它换成葡萄牙埃斯库多。

    This is a100-dollar note I want to change it into Portugese escudos .