
  • 网络Elgin;ELKINS
  1. 一到达埃尔金,一日游的游客就参观了一些当地的风景名胜。

    Once at Elgin day-trippers visit a number of local sights .

  2. 这些雕塑是埃尔金伯爵(earlofelgin)200多年前从雅典卫城运来的。

    These carvings were taken from the Acropolis in Athens more than 200 years ago by the Earl of Elgin .

  3. 埃尔金-贝勒,年度最佳新秀,11次入选全明星,10次NBA最佳阵容一阵,单场拿过71分,这也打平了NBA第八高的得分纪录。

    A rookie of the year , 11-time All-Star and 10-time first-team All-NBA selection . Baylor once scored 71 points in a game , which is tied for the league 's eighth-highest total .

  4. 作为已故的伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)藏品的一部分,这两尊铜像上月在巴黎拍卖。它们成为了中国的埃尔金大理石雕塑。

    Auctioned in Paris last month as part of the collection of the late Yves Saint Laurent , the bronzes have become China 's Elgin Marbles .

  5. 在苏格兰北方城市埃尔金,羊毛和羊绒服装制造商Johnstons去年向中国出口了20万英镑的产品。

    Johnstons of Elgin , a wool and cashmere clothing maker based in the northern Scottish city , exported & # 163 ; 200,000-worth of goods to China last year .

  6. 龙虾供应公司Homarus总裁及创始人乔丹・埃尔金(JordanElkin)说,最贵的餐厅“不会在龙虾降价的时候下调菜品价格”。该公司从缅因渔民手中直接购买活龙虾,为包括GramercyTavern在内的约300家高档纽约餐厅供货。

    The priciest restaurants ' do not lower [ menu prices ] when lobster gets cheaper , ' says Jordan Elkin , president and founder of Homarus , which buys live lobster directly from Maine fishermen and sells to about 300 high-end restaurants in New York , including Gramercy Tavern .

  7. 发端于埃尔金爵士们的文化战仍在激烈进行着。

    The culture wars started by the Lords Elgin are still raging .

  8. 美联社埃尔金恰当地提到这些人'土着男女的高度。

    AP Elkin aptly referred to these individuals as'aboriginal men of high degree .

  9. 英国人则从雅典卫城拿走了埃尔金大理石雕。

    The British helped themselves to the Elgin Marbles , taken from the Acropolis .

  10. 其中最著名的是赠品是罗赛塔之石头和埃尔金大理石雕。

    Amongst its more notable acquisitions were the Rosetta Stone and the infamous Elgin Marbles .

  11. 目前状况:希腊认为埃尔金勋爵与奥斯曼人的协议实在是可疑。

    Current Status : Greece considers Lord Elgin 's agreement with the Ottomans dubious at best .

  12. 我们要求交付暂停,直到情况趋于稳定,”埃尔金说道。

    We asked for deliveries to be suspended until the situation stabilizes , " said Elkin .

  13. 但事实证明,尽管有过很多独具匠心的建议,但有关埃尔金大理石雕塑的争议依然如故。

    But the Elgin Marbles dispute has so far proved impervious to a host of clever suggestions .

  14. 堪萨斯州的边境城镇埃尔金自称是“美国最大的畜牛发运地点”。

    The Kansas border town of Elgin was billing itself the'greatest cattle shipping point of the u.s.a ' .

  15. 大约200年前,时任英国大使的埃尔金勋爵将这些浮雕运到了伦敦。

    Lord Elgin , a British diplomat , transported the marbles back to London about 200 years ago .

  16. 埃尔金大理石雕的名字得自一名的将石雕偷运出雅典的狡猾英国贵族。

    The Elgin Marbles receive their name from the British lord who craftily spirited them away from Greece .

  17. 1915年,庞德的诗歌编辑的另一个90年代的诗人,莱昂内尔约翰逊的出版商埃尔金马修斯。

    In1915 , Pound edited the poetry of another '90s poet , Lionel Johnson for the publisher Elkin Mathews .

  18. 为埃尔金辩护的人表示,他是想惩罚那位中国皇帝他绑架了埃尔金的助手而不是中国人民。

    His defenders said he wanted to punish the Chinese emperor who had kidnapped his aides and not the Chinese people .

  19. 土耳其前国家水利工程董事会主席多根.埃尔金比莱克是这个方案的设计者之一。

    Dogan Altinbilek , the former head of the Turkey 's General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works , is one of the architects of the plan .

  20. 博物馆的顶层显示出埃尔金的代理人留下的檐壁部分,与伦敦的90多件作品的石膏模型结合在一起。

    The museum 's top floor displays the section of the frieze that Elgin 's agents left behind , joined to plaster casts of the90-odd works in London .

  21. 埃尔金及其同事在研究中使用了一种光子晶体来制造隐形斗篷。这种光子晶体的结构看上去像成堆的木头。

    In their study , Ergin and his colleagues used photonic crystals with a structure that looks like piles of wood to make an invisibility device , or cloak .

  22. 1816年,尽管有人以埃尔金勋爵“毁了雅典”为由极力反对,英国政府依然于购得石雕。

    Despite objections that Lord Elgin had " ruined Athens " by the time his work was done in1905 , the British Government purchased the marbles from him in1816 .

  23. 埃尔金勋爵宣称他有奥斯曼帝国苏丹王的特许证明,只要他不破坏古庙的墙体,他可以搬走庙中的任何东西。

    Lord Elgin claimed his imprimatur from an Ottoman sultan , who said he could remove anything from the Parthenon that did not interfere with the ancient citadel 's walls .

  24. 如果你想知道,其他的球队是洛杉矶湖人队(杰里-韦斯特和威尔特-张伯伦;沙奎尔-奥尼尔和科比-布莱恩特;埃尔金-贝勒和杰里-韦斯特)。

    Incase you 're wondering , the other franchise is the Los Angeles Lakers ( JerryWest and Wilt Chamberlain ; Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant ; Elgin Baylor andJerry West ) .

  25. 埃尔金在接受一个电话采访时说:“这一发明十分令人激动,因为人类一直都想隐形或拥有隐形斗篷。这是我们的首个隐形样本,看来这一技术是可行的。”

    This is very exciting , because mankind has always thought about being invisible or having invisibility cloaks , Ergin told the reporters in a telephone interview . " This is the first proof of principle . It shows that the technique works . "