
  • 网络Stratigraphic structure;stratigraphic texture
  1. 现代长江水下三角洲的浅地层结构及其沉积环境

    Shallow stratigraphic texture of the Changjiang submarine Delta and its depositional setting

  2. 矿区及其外围的构造、地层结构、地势、水文等条件均有利于地下水热液循环。

    The structure , stratigraphic texture , topography and hydrology of the mine field and its surroundings are favourable for the circulation of underground thermal water .

  3. 基于多层DEM表面模型的地层结构的三维可视化

    D visualization of geological structure based on multi-layer DEM surface modeling

  4. 以数字高程模型(DEM)为基础,发展了多层DEM,形成了三维地层结构模型。

    Based on Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ), 3 Dimension strata structure model through developing multiplayer DEM is formed .

  5. 同时通过对高速公路连接南线的地层结构特性分析及ANSYS有限元数值模拟,结果表明高速公路经越连接南线所经过采空区变形基本稳定,可满足高速公路的建设。

    At the same time , on the highway connecting southern route through the strata structural characteristics of ANSYS finite element analysis and numerical simulation , the result shows that the deformation of the gob through the Southern lines is stability and can meet highway construction .

  6. TSP技术是目前国内外较先进的隧洞超前地质预报技术,可以较准确地探明地层结构及深埋隐伏构造等不良地质问题,对防治隧洞施工中的地质灾害具有明显作用。

    The technology of TSP ( Tunnel Seismic Prediction ) can prove up the stratigraphical structure and the geological problems from the deeply embedded blind formations more correctly , which has a significant effect on the prevention of the geologic hazard during tunneling .

  7. 坝基含卵砾中粗砂振冲加密试验与施工原河床上部平均5m地层结构松散,均需采用振冲加密法进行处理,才能达到设计要求的密实度。

    The structure of the stratum with the thickness of about 5 m above the original riverbed is quite loose and then has to be treated by the vibroflotation compaction , so as to meet the compactness required by the design .

  8. 实践初步证明立体地震法可将地层结构识别的几何分辨力提高到2~3m;

    Initial practices show that by using the stereoscopic seismic method the geometric resolution of formational texture recognition can be improved up to 2 ~ 3 m , and the resolution of distinguishing the spatial inhomogeneity of subsurface media can reach the acoustic log level .

  9. 矿区地层结构弱化与矿区地震灾害

    Weakness of stratum structure and calamity of earthquake in mining area

  10. 基于Java/Java3D的三维地层结构模拟

    The Simulation of 3D Stratum Structure Based on Java / Java3D

  11. 勘探仪器的参数必须与实际的地层结构相配合。

    The parameters of equipment should fit the real crust structure .

  12. 变温对地层结构稳定性和出砂的影响

    Effect of temperature change on formation stability and sand production

  13. 完成了参数化设计和荷载结构法计算,正在开发地层结构法计算功能。

    Modules of parameterized design and Load-Structure calculation are completed .

  14. 采动损伤地层结构地震响应研究

    Study on Earthquake Dynamic Response of Mining Damaged Stratum Structures

  15. 非线性振动中地层结构参数计算模型及其优化

    Calculation and Optimization of the Earth Layer Structure Parameters in Non-Linear Vibration

  16. 地层结构的应力分区与煤瓦斯突出预测分析

    Division of tectonic stress zones and prediction of coal and gas bursts

  17. 黄河三角洲区为粉土-软土地层结构。

    The Yellow River delta is made up of silt and soft soil .

  18. 介绍了结构荷载模型以及地层结构法各自的理论依据。

    It introduces the theoretical basis of . structure-load method and ground-structure method .

  19. 概述了矿区巨厚土层的地层结构及其基本组成特点。

    The geological strata and it 's basic constitute characteristics are also introduced .

  20. β是刻画地层结构的分形标应参数。

    In the expres-sion β is the fractal scaling parameter that describes formation structure .

  21. 探讨了我省地层结构与盆地格架。

    The paper discusses the stratigraphic structure and the basin framework in Hunan province .

  22. 基于地震道时频分析的地层结构解析原理和方法

    Analytic principle and approach of stratigraphic structure based on time-frequency analysis of seismic traces

  23. 隧道衬砌结构计算方法有荷载结构法和地层结构法。

    The design types of tunnel lining include loading structure method and stratum structure method .

  24. 城市地铁浅埋暗挖法隧道上覆地层结构研究

    Urban story URBAN DESIGN Research on Superstratum Structures of Shallow Excavation Tunnel for Urban Subway

  25. 地层结构和场地特征对地脉动测试的影响

    The Influence of Soil Stratification and Ground Characteristics on the Microtremor Tests ; schistose structure

  26. 探地雷达技术是本世纪70年代以来迅速发展起来地一门新技术,它利用高频电磁波的反射来探测目的体及地层结构。

    Ground-Penetrating Radar ( GPR ) is a new technique which develops rapidly from the 1970s .

  27. 其二是地层结构条件,即砂体必须存在较好的上、下隔水岩层。

    The second is the stratigraphic frame must be have better water-resisting overlying and underlying strata .

  28. 考虑地层结构和地下水位变化时地面沉降的模拟和预测

    Simulation and Forecast of Ground Subsidence when Considering Layer Structure and the Chang of Groundwater Level

  29. 湖南省地层结构与盆地格架

    Stratigraphic Structure and Basin Framework

  30. 利用面波信息的近海海洋地层结构的波动方程反演算法和算法优化;

    A new reversion algorithm based on surface wave is put forward to identify the stratum structure .