
dì dònɡ
  • earthquake;quake 地动仪 ;seismograph
地动 [dì dòng]
  • (1) [quake,earthquake]∶地震

  • 乃令史官记地动所从方起。--《后汉书.张衡传》

  • (2) [earth's rotation and revolution]∶地球的运动

  1. 里氏震级是测量地动的单位。

    The Richter Scale is a measure of ground motion .

  2. 孩子们在位子上心神不定地动来动去。

    The children were squirming restlessly in their seats .

  3. 男孩子们在地板上任意地动来动去。

    The boys flailed around on the floor .

  4. 莉迪亚在椅子上不安地动来动去。

    Lydia shifted uncomfortably in her chair .

  5. 一些小东西在帐篷四周的草丛里窸窸窣窣地动着。

    Small things stirred in the grass around the tent

  6. 群众普遍地动起来了。

    The masses all got moving .

  7. 地动是由P冲击波和S冲击波引起的,也称为初期微震。

    Tremors are caused by P and S shock waves and are also called preliminary tremors .

  8. 用地动速度与相应周期乘积最大值的1/2π倍,即(TV/2π)max代替最大地动位移测定近震震级是正确的,但实际操作不便。

    The result to determine magnitude with ( TV / 2 π) max instead of the maximum ground displacement is correct , but it is not convenient in practice .

  9. 相对评分法患者的临床疗效为7/8分。结论CTX+GCSF能有效地动员外周血干细胞,可以为移植提供足够数量的造血干细胞数。

    The clinic relative score of the patient was 7 / 8.Conclusion CTX and G-CSF can mobilize effectively and provide enough peripheral blood stem cells for transplantation in treating MG .

  10. 海拉尔兰州核查地震台阵的勘址和地动噪声功率谱的计算其模拟结果表明,该方法不但能有效地获得AR模型参数的最佳估计,而且能实现低信噪比的信号检测。

    Array site survey for two new IMS primary stations in China and their power spectrum estimations of ground motion noise Several signal spectrum estimations have been obtained by means of this kind of parameter estimation .

  11. 对山西数字遥测台网“十五”勘选的19个子台台址背景噪声进行分析和计算,得出了各台址背景噪声地动速度均方根值(RMS值)、有效测量动态范围、噪声信号功率谱。

    RMS ( root-mean-square ) values of ground motion noises , effective dynamic ranges and noise power spectrums of 19 stations selected by " the tenth-five-year project " are calculated and analyzed .

  12. 脉冲(频)带宽(度)利用数字强震仪记录实时仿真地动位移

    Impulse bandwidth real-time simulation of ground displacement by digital accelerograph record

  13. 漫说无震地动现象

    Some Discussion on the Phenomenon " Ground Motion Without Earthquake "

  14. 上海地震台阵地动噪声功率谱分析

    Power spectrum analysis of ground motion noise in Shanghai Seismic Array

  15. 她的眼睛开始发亮,罩上了一层晶莹的玻璃似的东西,睫毛接连地动了几下。

    Her eyes glistened like glass , and her lashes fluttered .

  16. 他的钢笔一时好象自然而然地动着。

    For a time , his pen seemed to travel of itself .

  17. 一个女孩靠近他走过,布兰佛德中尉吃惊地动了一下。

    A girl passed close to him , and Lieutenant Blandford started .

  18. 指出了地动噪声分析对台网建设的作用。

    The effect of ground motion noise on the network construction is analyzed .

  19. 为了在天黑前到达,我们早早地动了身。

    In order to arrive before the dark , we set out early .

  20. 尼姆的嘴唇无声地动着,结结巴巴地背着古老的亚拉姆语的词句。

    Nim 's lips moved silently , stumbling over the ancient Aramaic words .

  21. 一入夜,这整个城市就很有生命力地动了起来。

    At night the whole city vibrates with life .

  22. 快速优雅地来回移动;轻快地动。

    To move about or to and fro rapidly and gracefully ; flit .

  23. 先是腿很奇怪地动了一下。

    His foot jerked a little bit first .

  24. 因为她会如此奇怪地动怒。

    Because she has like this amazing anger .

  25. 那个瑞典人除了嘴唇微微地动了动,站着一动也不动。

    The Swede stood quite still , except that his lips were moving slightly .

  26. 跟着他感到钓索轻轻地动了一下,他高兴了。

    Then he felt the gentle touch on the line and he was happy .

  27. 有什么东西在里面不停地动着,传出一种很好玩的咔嗒咔嗒的声音。

    Something was moving inside ; a funny clicking noise was coming from it .

  28. 地动带来伤害与恐惧

    Moving of the earth brings harms and fears

  29. 云南地震数字遥测台网子台地动噪声分析

    Analysis on the Ground Motion Noise of the Substations in the Yunnan Digital Remote Network

  30. 高压氧联合造血生长因子能够更加有效地动员外周血造血干细胞。

    HBO combined with hematopoietic growth factors could mobilize peripheral blood stem cells more efficiently .