
  • 网络Underground economy;subterranean economy;McMafia
  1. 由于地下经济活动种类的多样性,世界各国对地下经济的称谓也各有不同,例如:黑色经济(BlackEconomy),影子经济(ShadowEconomy)、非正规经济(InformalEconomy)等。

    Because of the variety of the underground economy patterns , there are many names to the underground economy , such as black economy , shadow economy , informal economy etc.

  2. 税率对地下经济规模的影响:基于可变参数模型和VAR模型的分析

    Research on the Tax Rate 's Influence on Chinese Underground Economy Scale : An Empirical Study Based on the Variant Model and VAR Model

  3. 这些建议大多是老套的会计花招,比如把对地下经济的估算并入国内生产总值(gdp)的官方数据中。

    Most of the suggestions are old-fashioned accounting tricks , such as trying to add estimates of the black economy into the official number for gross domestic product .

  4. 摘要地下经济和公开经济中都存在着税收流失。

    There is tax evasion in underground economy and open economy .

  5. 地下经济与收入分配的关系探析

    The Approach to the Relationship between Underground Economy and Income Distribution

  6. 地下经济现象的博弈分析和研究

    Analysis and Research of Underground Economy in Terms of Game Theory

  7. 对温州九十年代以来地下经济规模的初步估计

    A Preliminary Estimate on the Scale of Wenzhou Underground-economy Since 1990s

  8. 无论地下经济还是公开经济都存在税收流失问题。

    There is tax losing either in underground or open economy .

  9. 地下经济的蔓延对整个社会经济环境产生了严重的影响。

    Spread of underground economy influence the whole economy environment .

  10. 地下经济规模估测方法研究

    Study on the Methods of Measuring the Scale of the Underground Economy

  11. 用模糊逻辑方法估算地下经济

    Measuring the Underground Economy by a Fuzzy Logic Approach

  12. 第三章研究了我国对地下经济进行干预的战略及对策,提出治理我国地下经济的对策和进行非正规部门核算的必要性。

    The third chapter studies the strategy and countermeasure of china 's underground economy .

  13. 税收流失规模:地下经济视角的分析

    The scale of tax drain : an analysis from a perspective of underground economy

  14. 第二章在介绍中国地下经济现状的基础上对其进行了概括分析。

    First chapter is to the present introductions of the underground economy in China .

  15. 地下经济最本质的特征是逃避税收和政府监管。

    The basic nature of underground economy is to escape from taxation and government'supervision .

  16. 中国地下经济研究与估计(1990~2004)

    The Research and Estimation of Grey Economy of China ( 1990 ~ 2004 );

  17. 基于现金比率模型改进的我国地下经济规模测算

    Forecast of the Underground Economy Scale in China Based on Improved Cash Ratio Model

  18. 浅论地下经济活动的效率甄别

    On Discriminating the Efficiency of Underground Economic Activities

  19. 地下经济估测模型及敏感度分析

    Grey economy estimation model and sensitivity analysis

  20. 现金比率法和潜在收入能力测算法是测算地下经济和公开经济中税收流失规模最常用的方法。

    Cash ratio and potential revenue capacity is the most commonly used method of measuring it .

  21. 因此本文在这一部分中,首先针对目前地下经济范畴界定的不统一性,对地下经济及相关范畴进行了探讨;

    Therefore , firstly , the author tries to define the meaning of the underground economy .

  22. 在地下经济核算研究方面,西方国家已经取得了开创性的成果。

    Obviously it is hard for us to measure the products of Underground Economy in national accounts .

  23. 因此,主要资本主义国家把地下经济研究放在重要位置来研究是不言而喻的了。

    Thus , the reason for main capitalism countries put underground economy into important position is apparent .

  24. 印度的地下经济

    Underground economy in India

  25. 地下经济行为和偷逃税现象在世界各国都存在,二者之间存在密不可分的关系。

    The phenomenon of underground economy and tax evasion exists all over the world , the two is closely related .

  26. 研究地下经济有助于国家准确全面掌握国民经济的信息,从而减少宏观经济决策的失误。揭示地下经济活动的运行特征,有助于政府制订出切实整治地下经济的有效对策。

    It is very helpful to country hold correct national economy information in order to reduce mistake of macro economy decision-making .

  27. 本文采用一定的方法分别对我国1982-2002年间地下经济和公开经济的税收流失规模进行了估测。

    The article will estimate the scale of tax losing during 1982 - 2002 with the help of definite method respectively .

  28. 然而,由于地下经济本身的复杂性和隐蔽性,对它的定量研究一直存在着相当大的障碍。

    However , there is quite large obstacle in the quantitative study because of the complexion and secretion of the underground economy .

  29. 但由于当时地下经济并没有表现出膨胀的趋势,所以研究的范围还是比较有限的。

    Because at that time , the underground economy had not displayed the inflation tendency , the research scope was quite limited .

  30. 本文研究一个还没有被充分认识但日益受到人们关注的经济活动领域&地下经济。

    This thesis is basically concerned with Underground Economy , an area that remains to be fully understood but has attached increasing attention .