
  • 网络underground substation
  1. 介绍在实验室和地下变电站条件下对气体绝缘开关装置(GIS)内局部放电信号传播特性的频率相关性研究。

    Frequency dependency of the partial discharge signal propagation characteristics in GIS was investigated ina laboratory and an underground substation .

  2. 该系统的应用解决了很多两端都是GIS终端、地下变电站以及扩建改造变电站中的电缆试验问题。

    The application of this system has solved a lot of the cable test problems in both GIS terminal , underground substation as well as extension in substation .

  3. 500kV地下变电站GIS设备交流耐压试验研究

    AC voltage withstand tests for GIS of 500 kV underground substations

  4. 本文对如何将VoIP技术应用于地下变电站,并如何进行VoIP系统的部署、设计和实现做了深入的研究。

    In this thesis , the author analyzed how to apply the VoIP technology and design , implement and deploy VoIP systems for underground substations .

  5. 根据系统环境的需求,为变电站实现了VoIP语音广播功能,对于变电站尤其是地下变电站的风险预防及控制工作有着重要的意义。

    According to the needs of the substations , realized the VoIP broadcast in substation , which has great significance for the work of risk control and preventation in substation .

  6. 220kV地下变电站钢筋混凝土墙裂缝的成因分析

    Analysis on Shaping Reasons of Cracks on Reinforced Concrete Wall at 220 kV Underground Substation

  7. 世博配套110kV地下变电站超深基坑综合施工技术

    Comprehensive Construction Technology of Ultra Deep Foundation Pit for Auxiliary 110 kV Underground Substation of Shanghai World Expo

  8. 全地下变电站充油设备注油方案的实践和探讨

    Discussion on oil-filling schemes for oil-filled equipment of underground substations

  9. 上海人民广场地下变电站原型观测设施及资料初步分析

    Prototype monitoring installation and data analysis for Shanghai people 's Square underground substation

  10. 带扩孔端的抗拔桩在地下变电站抗浮设计中的应用

    Application of uplift piles with hole expansion end to anti-floating design for underground substations

  11. 辅机系统是大型地下变电站主设备安全运行必不可少的部分,也是工作人员安全与作业环境的重要保障。

    Auxiliary system of underground substation is essential for the safe operation of the master and important security of staff safety .

  12. 着重介绍了这一目前国内规模最大的地下变电站的通风和防排烟系统设计。

    Presents the ventilation and the fire and smoke proof system design of this underground transformer substation , the largest one now in China .

  13. 并且目前此类大型全地下变电站通风空调系统设计标准,也缺乏相应的实践经验和参考工程。

    And now the large-scale underground transformer substation design standards of ventilation and air conditioning system were lack of appropriate practical experience and reference works .

  14. 本文以上海市人民广场地下变电站深基坑降水工程为例,讨论最优化法在深基坑降水工程中的应用。

    Underground Substation at Shanghai Remin Square was used as example , the optimization method applied to groundwater drawdown project for deep excavation ( DGWE ) is studied .

  15. 城市供电设施是城市基础设施的重要组成部分,随着城市化进程的不断加速,建设全地下变电站是大势所趋。

    Power supply facilities is an important part of the infrastructure of cities . With the accelerated urbanization process , it is a general trend to construct underground substation .

  16. 由于面临缓解用地压力和美化城市环境的压力,越来越多的城市选择建设地下变电站以满足日益增长的用电需求。

    For relieving the pressure of land demand and beautifying the city environment , more and more cities choose to build underground substation for meeting the growing needs of electricity .

  17. 地下变电站辅机系统设备类型众多,不同设备的故障情况不同,不同故障对系统运行的影响也不同。

    There are many types of equipments in underground substation auxiliary system . Different equipment has different faults , and different fault has different impact on the running situation of system .

  18. 针对城市商业区建设变电站所面临的新问题,提出对土地的综合利用措施,即将地下变电站与民用建筑结合建设,通过采用无油化设备,提高消防的安全性;

    To counter the new problems in the construction of downtown substations , measures for comprehensive utilization of land are presented , I e. , to build underground substations together with civil buildings .

  19. 主要研究成果有:1.对地下变电站辅机系统设备故障情况进行整理、分析,找出规律性特征,为建立故障模型做准备。

    The main works in this dissertation are as follows : 1 . Counting , analyzing the equipment failure situation of underground substation auxiliary to find regular features as preparation for the construction of fault model .

  20. 按照树型层次结构,采用有向无环图的结构,依照实际地下变电站的空间约束和布局特点组织虚拟场景,生动重现了变电站工作环境。

    Objects in the scene are organized in accordance with Hierarchical Tree and DAG principle , the underground substation is vividly reproduced and organized in accordance with the actual space constraints and the layout of the substation environment .

  21. 因此在建设全地下变电站的通风空调系统时,有必要通过相应软件对其工况进行模拟研究,找到最优化的设计参数,保证设备在使用的过程中安全可靠的运行。

    Therefore , it was necessary to simulate the conditions of ventilation and air conditioning system in the underground transformer substation through the appropriate software to find the optimal design parameters , to ensure safe and reliable operation of the equipment used .

  22. 城市中心大型地下式变电站的接地网设计

    Design on Ground Mesh at Large Underground Substation in City Downtown

  23. 关于轨道交通地下主变电站设计思路的探讨

    Discussion on Design Approach of Underground Main Substation of Rail Transportation System

  24. 地下箱式变电站的开发

    Development of Underground Box - type Transformer Substation

  25. 对地下箱式变电站内的温度场、流场进行了数值模拟,分析和比较了不同因素对变电站内温度场的影响,为地埋箱式变电站换热设计提供了一种新的方法。

    The temperature and velocity fields in an underground transformer cell are numerically simulated , and the factors that influence the temperature of transformer are analyzed , on which the thermal design for underground transformer cells can depend in theory .

  26. 地下式变压器箱式变电站作为一种新型的路灯配电设施,它所具备的特点和优势可以有效地弥补传统箱式变电站的不足。

    And thus , it presents the characteristics and the advantages of Buried Transformer Box-Type Electric Substation as a new kind of power distribution facility of Streetlights .

  27. 地下电缆线路与变电站联接时还会碰到问题。微波通信站电缆转移阻抗及引入的干扰电压

    Problem is also encountered in connections between underground lines and substations . Experimental Research of Transfer Impedance of Microwave Communication Cable and Interference Voltage When Tower is Struck by Lightning

  28. 地下式变压器地下箱式变电站的开发

    Development of Underground Box-type Transformer Substation