
  • 网络Santa Clara
  1. 去年,圣克拉拉大学(SantaClaraUniversity)利维商学院(LeaveySchoolofBusiness)的一项研究发现,随着时间流逝,与无子女人士相比,为人父母者的幸福感会慢慢增加。

    A study last year from the Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business found that parents ' happiness increases over time relative to non-parents .

  2. 安捷伦科技公司(AgilentTechnologies)是位于美国加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市的一家测量公司。该公司把检验领导力培训的效果,作为公司发展基因的一部分。

    At Agilent Technologies , a Santa Clara , Calif. - based measurement company , examining the results of its leadership training is part of its DNA .

  3. 圣克拉拉大学托马斯e利维活动中心哈罗德j托索馆,美国。

    Thomos e.leovey activities center and Harold j.toso Pavilion University of Santa clara , USA.

  4. 想弄清不久后电视可能会发生多大的变化,不妨参观一下英特尔(IntelCorp.)位于加州圣克拉拉的一个部门,这个部门的运营方式颇似初创公司。

    To understand how much television could soon change , it helps to visit an Intel Corp. division here that runs like a startup .

  5. 与此同时,迈威尔公司已在其加州圣克拉拉(SantaClara,California)的总部开展了一项名为“零脚印”(FootprintZero)的活动,旨在使公司的各项运作做到碳中立。

    At its Santa Clara , California , headquarters , meanwhile , Marvell has embarked on a campaign dubbed " Footprint Zero " to gradually make its company operations carbon-neutral .

  6. 总部位于加州圣克拉拉市的英伟达公司,即将于5月份推出全新的“盾”(Shield)游戏机,这是一台高性能的安卓电视设备,将搭载英伟达Grid游戏流媒体服务,售价为200美元。

    Nvidia , based in Santa Clara , Calif. , is launching its new Shield console , which is a high-powered Android TV device combined with the Nvidia Grid game streaming service , in May for $ 200 .

  7. 专利专家、圣克拉拉大学(SantaClaraUniversity)法学教授勒夫(BrianLove)说,这次上诉实际上关乎苹果在未来案件中争取法院发出禁售令的难度。

    ' The appeal is really about how hard will it be for Apple to get injunctions in future cases , ' said Brian Love , a patent expert and law professor at Santa Clara University .

  8. WrkRiot的办公地点位于加州的圣克拉拉,离英特尔(Intel)的总部不远。35岁的崔在本周接受采访时说,WrkRiot和其他公司一样。

    In an interview this week , Choi , 35 , said WrkRiot , which is based in Santa Clara , California , near where Intel is headquartered , was like any company .

  9. 但本周三,有近2000人来到加州圣克拉拉市会议中心参加第四届OCP峰会。

    But on Wednesday , nearly 2,000 people gathered in a Santa Clara , Calif. convention center to participate in the fourth OCP summit .

  10. 这家位于加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉的安全公司表示,WireLurker已经通过麦芽地应用商店——中国的第三方Mac应用商店——感染了400多个适用于苹果MacOSX操作系统的应用。

    The security company , based in Santa Clara , Calif. , said that WireLurker had infected more than 400 applications designed for Apple 's Mac OS X operating system through the Maiyadi App Store , a third-party Mac application store in China .

  11. 上周四,46岁的JuanWilfredoSoto因在圣克拉拉参与抗议活动被警察逮捕。

    46-year-old Juan Wilfredo Soto was detained by the police last Thursday during a protest in the central city of Santa Clara .

  12. 她们来自古巴各地:比那尔德里奥省,拉斯图纳斯,曼萨尼约(在东部地区,她出生的地方),圣克拉拉,甚至塞拉利昂Maestra。菲德尔卡斯特罗曾躲藏在山上,开始他的革命。

    They came from all over Cuba : Pinar del Rio , Santa Clara , Las Tunas , Manzanillo ( in the east , where she was born ) , even from the Sierra Maestra , where Fidel Castro had holed up in the mountains to start his revolution .

  13. 苹果公司表示该公司拥有2112名员工住在圣克拉拉和森尼维耳市。

    Apple says it had 2,112 employees living in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale .

  14. 他在圣克拉拉谷长大

    and grew up in the Santa Clara Valley .

  15. 圣克拉拉谷由于云集了许多新崛起的高科技产业而更广为人知的名字是硅谷

    It was becoming better known as Silicon Valley as hi-tech firms sprang up .

  16. 圣克拉拉店的顾客人数:40人

    Customers at the Santa Clara store : 40

  17. 总部设在美国加利福尼亚的圣克拉拉,英特尔公司是世界上最大的半导体公司。

    Headquartered in Santa Clara , California , Intel is the world 's largest semi-conductor company .

  18. 现存于美国加州圣克拉拉县的证明显示乔布斯的职业为高科技企业家。

    The certificate , filed in Santa Clara County , California listed his occupation as high-tech entrepreneur .

  19. 迈威,黑莓手机的处理器制造商,坐立于加里福利亚州的圣克拉拉。

    Marvell , the maker of processors for the BlackBerry phone , is based in Santa Clara , California .

  20. 这一绵延40英里的圣克拉拉谷,从南旧金山穿过帕洛奥图,一直延伸到圣何塞,

    The forty-mile Santa Clara Valley , which stretches from South San Francisco through Palo Alto to San Jose ,

  21. 古巴中部城市圣克拉拉8日举行盛大仪式,隆重纪念切格瓦拉牺牲40周年。

    The central city on the8th Santa Clara held a grand ceremony to mark the40th anniversary of Che Guevara sacrifice .

  22. 美国加州圣克拉拉县公共卫生部门在周一发布了这份死亡证明,并由美联社进行了报道。

    The death certificate was released by the Santa Clara County Public Health Department on Monday the Associated Press news agency reports .

  23. 协议各方同意接受加州的专属管辖权、以加州圣克拉拉市的联邦法庭为仲裁地。

    The parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts in Santa Clara County , California .

  24. 由本协议产生或与本协议有关的任何争议或权利要求,都应在加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉城裁决。

    Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be adjudicated in Santa Clara County , California .

  25. 乔布斯的父亲当时在光谱物理公司(Spectra-Kiysics)工作,该公司坐落在旁边的圣克拉拉,为电子设备和医疗产品生产激光器件。

    Paul Jobs was then working at Spectra-Physics , a company in nearby Santa Clara that made lasers for electronics and medical products .

  26. 因为如此多的地下水已被污染,圣克拉拉谷水区成为全国领先的测试和保护饮用水。

    Because so much groundwater had been contaminated , the Santa Clara Valley Water District became a national leader in testing and protecting drinking water .

  27. 为此,这家总部位于圣克拉拉市的芯片制造商力推超级本,一种新的节能型超轻薄笔记本电脑。

    To that end , the Santa Clara-based chipmaker is throwing its marketing muscle into ultrabooks , the new category of thin , power-efficient laptops .

  28. 当来到卡约圣玛丽亚,许多旅客通过度假公司到达圣克拉拉市国际机场来过大西洋假期。

    When visiting Cayo Santa Maria , many travellers arrive at the international airport in the city of Santa Clara through vacation companies such as Transat Holidays .

  29. 所以11天之后,他就回到了圣克拉拉的办公室里,带着一份“退出声明”和一份合作协议修正案。

    So he returned to the Santa Clara County office just eleven days later with a " statement of withdrawal " and an amendment to the partnership agreement .

  30. 对于中国消费者而言,信誉最好的企业前三名分别是英特尔公司(总部位于加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉)、劳力士钟表公司(总部瑞士日内瓦)和劳斯莱斯汽车有限公司(总部在英国伦敦)。

    The top three most reputable firms to Chinese consumers are Intel ( based in Santa Clara , California ) , Rolex ( Geneva , Switzerland ) and Rolls Royce ( London , England ) .