
tǔ rǎnɡ zhì tú
  • Soil mapping;mapping of soil
  1. 基于GIS、模糊逻辑和专家知识的土壤制图及其在中国应用前景

    Predictive soil mapping based on a gis , expert knowledge , and fuzzy logic framework and its application prospects in China

  2. 借助GIS手段,借鉴SOTER原理与方法,根据土壤制图的原理进行样区土系数据库的建立和土系制图;

    Resorting to GIS technique and adopting SOTER 's principles methods and combining with the soil mapping principles as well , such research establishes the soil series database and finishes soil series mapping in research zone .

  3. 人民公社土壤制图与农业发展规划

    Soil Cartography in relation to the agricultural development in people 's commune

  4. 小比例尺土壤制图理论和方法的研究

    Study on method ov mapping on small scales

  5. 制图的灵活度高,图件更新方便,使土壤制图与分类同步。

    The new cartography can renovate map agilely and expediently , accordingly soil drawing and classification synchronization .

  6. 本文对小比例尺土壤制图理论和方法进行了总结,认为土壤制图是研究和表达土壤在空间分布的群体结构形式。

    In this paper , soil cartography is considered to study and express the forms of structure of soil mantle distribution in space .

  7. 克里金法广泛地应用于地下水模拟、土壤制图等领域,是一种很有用的地质统计网格化方法。

    Kriging method widely used in groundwater simulation , soil drawings and other fields , and is a very useful geological statistical grids method .

  8. 土壤制图的重复性高,一般在75%以上;

    ( 3 ) the repeatability of the soil map is high , and the overlap ratio of the soil mapping units ( soil family ) is 75 per cent or more ;

  9. 基于GIS的黄丘区土壤水分制图及其定量化分析

    Mapping and Quantitative Analysis of Soil Moisture Using GIS Techniques

  10. 模糊c-均值算法在区域土壤预测制图中的应用

    Application of fuzzy c-means algorithm to predictive soil mapping on regional scale

  11. 大比例尺航片土壤调查制图研究&以江苏宜兴川埠公社为例

    Researches on soil survey and mapping by large - scale aerial photograph

  12. 地理信息系统在土壤属性制图中的应用

    Application of GIS to soil property spatial distribution map

  13. 提供了一种基于机器学习的方法来自动建立针对土壤资源制图的规则库。

    A machine-learning approach to automated building of knowledge bases for soil mapping was presented .

  14. 土壤自动制图中的知识分类

    Knowledge Classfication on Soil Automatic Mapping

  15. 利用航空象片进行土壤详查制图的技术研究&综合航判制图技术

    Study on detailed soil survey and mapping techniques by using airphotographes & a comprehensive AIRPHOTO-SOIL interpretation and mapping technique

  16. 运用模糊隶属度进行土壤属性制图的研究&以黑龙江鹤山农场研究区为例

    Soil property mapping using fuzzy membership & a case study of a study area in Heshan farm of Heilongjiang Province

  17. 这种建立土壤自动制图知识库的方法要比传统的知识获取方法更为简便易行。

    With this method , building a knowledge base for automated soil mapping is easier than using the conventional knowledge acquisition approach .

  18. RS和GIS支持下的土壤系统分类制图方法研究&以贵州省贵阳市为例

    The research on the cartography of Soil Taxonomy on the basis of RS and GIS ── taking Guiyang city , Guizhou Province as Example

  19. 应用卫星磁带(CCT)字符图进行县级土壤调查和制图的研究

    A study of county-level soil survey and mapping by using Landsat CCT digital-image map

  20. 浅谈我国土壤背景值制图

    Elementary introduction on Map-making of soil background value in our country

  21. 用遥感图象进行土壤侵蚀系列制图的方法与实践

    Methods and Practice of Soil Loss Mapping Through Remote Sensing Images

  22. 基于地统计学的中国土壤系统分类制图方法研究

    Study on Cartography of Chinese Soil Taxonomy Based on Geostatistics

  23. 江苏海岸带中比例尺土壤图的制图原则和内容

    Principles of mapping and contents of medium scale soil map in Jiangsu Coastland

  24. 黄土高原土壤侵蚀系列制图方法的探讨

    An approach to series mapping method of soil erosion

  25. 运用分类树进行土壤类型自动制图的研究

    Automated Soil Mapping by Using Classification Tree Algorithm

  26. 用彩红外航片可满足1:50000土壤侵蚀调查制图的精度要求。

    Mapping with color infrared aerial photo may reach precision requirment of soil erosion survey and mapping with 1 ∶ 50000 scale .

  27. 遥感技术在土壤调查与制图中的应用研究Ⅱ.晋江地区土壤区划的卫片解译

    THE APPLICATION OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY TO SOIL SURVEYS & II : MSS Image Interpretation of Soils Division in Jinjiang Region of Fujian Province

  28. 本项目以陕西省周至县猕猴桃适生区土壤养分调查制图为例,进行了土壤养分图数字制图技术研究。

    The technology of soil nutrient map digital mapping is studied taken suitable area for Chinese gooseberry in Zhouzhi County , Shannxi province as a case .

  29. TM卫片目视土壤解译的制图技术

    Study on the TM image mapping techniques of visual soil interpretation

  30. 辽宁省土壤侵蚀卫片制图

    Mapping of soil erosion in Liaoning Province based on satellite images