
  • 网络Image Filtering;image filter
  1. 基于改进BP神经网络和粒子群优化算法的图像滤波方法的研究

    Image filtering based on modified BP neural network and PSO

  2. 窗口大小对SAR图像滤波效果的影响分析

    The impact of window size upon SAR image filtering

  3. 如何用Matlab进行医学图像滤波处理

    On the Employment of Matlab in the Processing of Medical Image

  4. SAR图像滤波和边缘检测技术研究

    Research on Speckle Reduction and Edge Detection of SAR Image

  5. 基于FPGA图像滤波算法硬件化设计

    Design of image processing algorithm based on FPGA

  6. 基于特征保持的线性多通道最优求和SAR图像滤波算法

    Structure Retaining Linear Multi-channel SAR Image Speckle Filter

  7. 基于Radon变换的指纹图像滤波增强方法

    The Method of Fingerprint Image Enhancement Based on Radon Transform

  8. Gabor算法在V形焊接坡口图像滤波中的应用

    Application of Gabor Filter for V-groove Image Processing

  9. 一种基于Bayesian准则和MRF模型的SAR图像滤波方法

    An Algorithm for SAR Image Filtering Based on Bayesian Principle and MRF Modeling

  10. 基于Gabor变换的雷达图像滤波及无监督分割

    SAR Image Filtering and Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Based on Gabor Wavelet Transformation

  11. 该方法将同态滤波和B样条平滑相结合,首先采用高斯同态滤波器对污染图像滤波,得到初步估计的偏差场;

    This method combines I he homomorphic filtering and B spline smoothing . Firstly , a coarse bias estimation is got by Gaussian homomorphic filtering on the corrupted image .

  12. 文中将Rough集理论应用到图像滤波中,提出了一种基于Rough集理论的图像中值滤波算法;

    Rough sets theory is applied to gray image , and algorithm of image median filter based on rough sets theory is proposed in this paper .

  13. 然后对小波变换斑点噪声滤波方法进行分析,提出了基于二元树复小波变换的SAR图像滤波方法。

    Owing to the advantages of shift-invariance and excellent spatial orientations , the dual-tree complex wavelet transform is used to reduce SAR speckle noise .

  14. 第一,提出了一种结合多方向小波变换屏蔽滤波及邻域特性的图像滤波方法(SpatiallyMultidirectionalSelectivitywithNeighborhoodCharacteristics)。

    First , an image filter , which is " Spatially Multidirectional Selectivity with Neighborhood Characteristics Filter ( MSNC )" is presented .

  15. Burg法AR谱估计图像滤波分析与实现

    Burg Analysis and Implementation of Autoregressive Model

  16. 本课题主要在以下几个方面展开研究:(1)MRI图像滤波:对MRI图像滤波可以获取高质量图像,为后期高精度的图像分割和重建奠定基础。

    The main works are illuminated as follows : ( 1 ) MRI image filtering : Filtering process can obtain high quality MRI image in order to build solid foundation for image segmentation and image three dimensional reconstruction .

  17. 提出了一种分块SVD图像滤波算法,与现有的SVD滤波方法相比,它有效地降低了存储开销,计算复杂度也由原来的O(n3)降为O(n2);

    A block based SVD filtering algorithm is presented , reducing memory requirements significantly , and the computational complexity from O ( n 3 ) to O ( n 2 ) .

  18. 在特征划分上,再运用边缘保持的图像滤波对得到的分形维数特征空间进行滤波,滤波结果用K均值簇分类法作特征空间的初分类;

    In this method , a feature vector is assembled , and an edge preserving filter is used for getting rid of the estimating error , feature space is firstly classified based on K means clustering , the final segmentation is accomplished by using probabilistic relaxation techniques .

  19. 该文针对这一问题,提出了一种利用Wiener滤波对原始图像滤波,再利用图像序列相关性对滤波后的图像进行平均背景估计,从而实现提取目标图像背景,检测动态小目标的新算法。

    To solve the problem , this article firstly uses Wiener filter for original images , and then introduces an " average background estimate " method based on the relativity between image sequences for filtered images to pick up the background and finally detect dynamic small targets .

  20. 图像滤波预处理不仅有助于增强图像信噪比和减少类间(intra-class)光谱可变性,而且还能够对影像中亮度均匀的区域进行平滑,从而为影像地物识别、分割和分类提供有力的支持。

    Image filtering preprocessing which is helpful for increasing the signal to noise ratio ( SNR ), decreasing the intra-class spectral variability and spatially smoothing homogeneous areas on the image can prove very useful for further discrimination of ground objects , image segmentation and classification processing .

  21. 针对彩色图像滤波,提出一种改进的矢量中值滤波算法。

    An improving vector median filtering algorithm for color image was proposed .

  22. 针对图像滤波攻击,提出了混合噪声的解决方案。

    To withstand image filter attack , the mixed noise was introduced .

  23. 论文最后研究了细胞神经网络在图像滤波中的应用,提出一种自适应图像滤波器结构。

    Application of Cellular neural network to image filtering is also studied .

  24. 一种基于标记处理的边缘图像滤波方法

    A Method of Filtering Edge Map Based on Label Processing

  25. 基于多尺度形态学大豆图像滤波方法

    Method for smoothing soybean image noise based on multi-scale morphology

  26. 一类径向基函数网络及其在图像滤波中的应用

    Radial Basis Function Network for Elimination of Noise from Image

  27. 图像滤波的形态学开、闭型神经网络算法

    Morphological opening and closing neural networks for image filtering

  28. 一种基因芯片图像滤波混合法

    A method for denoising genechip images based on wavelet analysis and median filter

  29. 该算法很好的解决了强噪声下的图像滤波问题。

    The algorithm can solve the strong noise of the image filtering problems .

  30. 星载合成孔径雷达图像滤波及理解

    Speckle Reducing and Understanding Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Image