
  • 网络International Business Strategy;internationalization strategy
  1. 分析当今国际跨国公司对中国的战略性入侵及其对中国企业的影响,并在此基础之上研究了中国企业的国际化经营战略。

    Discussing the strategic invasion of transnational corporations in China , and on the basis of this analysis studying the international business strategy of Chinese enterprises .

  2. 第三部分,在第二部分综合分析的基础上,有针对性地对宏碁公司的国际化经营战略进行了深入论证。

    In the third item , the author goes a step further to analysis the international business strategy of Acer Company that based on the above section .

  3. 结果表明,改进后的SWOT法有助于提高我国钻井公司国际化经营战略定位的科学性与准确性。

    The results indicate that the improved SWOT method can raise scientificity and accuracy of internal drilling companies ' strategic positioning in international operations .

  4. 随着我国加入WTO和石油公司实施国际化经营战略,迫切需要建立适合我国勘探开发特点的经济可采储量评价系统。

    With China 's accession to WTO and implementing international operation strategy in oil companies , to establish an evaluation system of economic reserves suitable to the characteristics of oil exploration and development is badly needed in China .

  5. 湖南中烟工业公司国际化经营战略研究

    Researches on International Operation Strategy of China Tobacco Hunan Industrial Corporation

  6. 第二章对企业国际化经营战略布局理论进行综述。

    Chapter II reviews the major theory of transnational strategic layout .

  7. 关于石油勘探技术服务企业国际化经营战略问题的思考

    Some thoughts on the strategy of developing petroleum exploration technical service abroad

  8. 第三章阐述国际化经营战略的具体内容。

    The third chapter treats the material content of the internationalization strategy .

  9. 云南地矿企业国际化经营战略的理论与实践&广南堂上金业有限公司海外上市

    The International Management Strategy of Yunnan 's Geology and Mineral Resources Industry

  10. 中国名牌国际化经营战略研究

    Observation of international strategy of Chinese famous brand

  11. 企业跨国投资过程中无形资产国际化经营战略分析

    Analyzing the Strategy of Intangible Assets Internationalization in the Process of Enterprises ' Transnational Investment

  12. 基于国际化经营战略的我国油公司投融资策略研究

    Study on the Policy of Investment and Finance of Oil Company Based on Internationalization Strategy

  13. 益阳橡胶塑料机械集团有限公司国际化经营战略研究

    Research on International Operation Strategy of Yiyang Rubber & Plastics Machinery Group Co. , Ltd

  14. 跨国公司国际化经营战略转型背景下的风险分类识别&基于风险容忍区域定位的研究

    Risk Identification In Multinational Enterprises In The Context Of International Operating Strategy Transformation & Research Based On Risk-Tolerance Orientation

  15. 本文首先指出,我国企业要在动荡复杂的国际市场上成功地竞争,必须对国际化经营战略进行认真研究。

    First of all , this paper discusses the important significance of the internationalizationoperation strategy for the success of chinese enterprise in complicated world market .

  16. 根据国内和国际市场的特点,确定国际化经营战略,以实现推进西部地区交通运输、邮电通讯、农业发展和西部城市的发达程度。

    Only in this way can we promote the transportation , post and telecommunication , agriculture and even the development of cities in the west region of China .

  17. 面对来自外资银行的竞争和客户的境外服务需求,国际化经营战略已经成为我国商业银行的必然选择。

    In the face of competition from foreign banks and customers ' demand for overseas service , international business strategy has become the inevitable choice of Chinese commercial banks .

  18. 在此论证是以一个基本假设为前提的,即国际化经营战略是由企业的跨国经营能力和国际市场知识所决定的。

    There is a basic hypothesis : the international business ability and the knowledge about the international market is the determinant of the international business strategy of a company .

  19. 信息化建设是中国石油实现国际化经营战略的一项重要基础工作,它确保其信息技术架构与中国石油的业务战略目标一致。

    Information construction is an important element task of realizing internationalized management strategy of PetroChina , it keeps its information technology framework the same with business strategic objective of PetroChina .

  20. 电力建设公司要创建国际一流企业,必须走出国门与国际上优秀的跨国公司同台竞争,实施国际化经营战略。

    To create an internationalized enterprise of the first-class the power construction company must go abroad , compete with the international outstanding transnational companies and execute the international management strategy .

  21. 本文从分析国际金融形势,国内商业银行的现状入手,对国有商业银行如何克服自身的弊端,实施国际化经营战略进行了探讨。

    The thesis tries to discuss how the national commercial bank should avoid the malpractice and must adopt the international operation strategy by analysing the international financial situation and the national commercial bank present condition .

  22. 本文首先在理论部分介绍了国际化经营战略,国际化经营程度,盈余质量,盈余反应系数等相关理论,对国内外学者关于这些方面的研究情况进行概述与分析。

    First , this paper introduces relevant theories such as international management strategies , degree of internalization , quality of earnings and ERC and also summarizes the documentaries on these aspects of scholars home and abroad .

  23. 资源空间配置随市场机制的深化而发生变化,这些变化对竞争市场的成长和市场运行效率也会产生显著的影响。对于建立旅行社集团国际化经营战略与营销竞争力评价体系的初步探讨

    With the market mechanism processes and diversified investment and marketing , competitive market and its operational efficiency should apparently be affected . An Initial Discussion on Building the Strategy and Marketing Competitive Evaluation System of China 's International Travel Service Group

  24. 第三部分研究制定和选择了圣泉集团的国际化经营战略,从战略目标的制定和战略方法的选择开始,先后进行了进入战略、竞争战略、融资战略等方案的制定与选择;

    The third part introduces the selected and established international management strategy , which starts with establishment of the strategic goal and the specific strategy method , introducing the selection and establishment for the entry strategic , competitive strategy and financial strategies .

  25. 再次,本文结合了兰登书屋的具体案例,从数字化发展战略、多元化发展战略、并购发展战略、国际化经营战略和管理模式的创新五个部分对兰登书屋展开的战略转型路径进行研究和探讨。

    Thirdly , this research concerns the specific case of Random House and explores its business strategic changes from digital development strategy , diversified development strategy , M & A development strategy , international business strategy and the innovation of management model .

  26. 我国化学制药企业应吸取经验,从经营策略、综合竞争力、产品高质高附加值及利用全球资源做起,积极实施国际化经营战略。

    Striving to carry out international business strategy , Chinese chemical pharmaceutical enterprises should draw advanced experiences by acting from improving management strategy , comprehensive competitive power , high grade products with high added value and making good use of the global resources .

  27. 实施国际化经营战略可以发挥企业生产能力,开辟国际市场,可以学习国外企业的先进技术和管理经验,经济全球化也要求企业实施国际化经营战略。

    The implementation of internationalized operating strategy can make full use of the productive capacity , develop the international market , and learn the new technology and management experiences from foreign countries . The global economy needs the implementation of internationalized operating strategy .

  28. 长沙银行具有明显的本币优势和外币劣势,加快国际业务发展步伐,是长沙银行顺应发展潮流、迎接股改、实施国际化经营战略的必由之路。

    Bank of Chang Sha ( BCS ) has obvious local currency advantages and foreign currency disadvantages . Therefore , accelerating the pace of international business development of BCS is the only way to conform to the development trend , meet the reform , and take the internationalization management strategy .

  29. 全面推进HSE和TQC管理体系努力实现中国石油企业的国际化经营的战略目标

    Completely use of HSE and TQC management systems and realization international marketing strategy object for oil enterprise in China

  30. 依据我国钻井公司战略成本动因分析提供的战略性信息,采用改进的模糊综合评价SWOT法,对我国钻井公司进行国际化经营的战略定位,并据此进行相应的实证研究。

    Using the strategic information offered by strategic cost-driver analysis , the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was adopted to improve SWOT ( strength , weakness , opportunity and threat ) method for internal drilling companies ' strategic positioning in international operations . And the relevant positive research was done .