
  • 网络International Reinsurance Market
  1. 该基金为参与国进入国际再保险市场和资本市场提供了一种有效透明的渠道。

    CCRIF offers participating countries an efficient and transparent vehicle to access the international reinsurance and capital markets .

  2. 在国际再保险市场上,比例和非比例再保险等传统业务形式占据主导地位。

    At present reinsurance market , traditional reinsurance , namely proportional and non-proportional reinsurance , holds a leading status .

  3. 2009年,即其运作后的第三年,该基金成功将3.2亿美元保险费投入国际再保险市场和资本市场。

    In2009 , its third year of operation , CCRIF successfully placed more than $ 320 million of coverage in the international reinsurance and capital markets .