
ɡuó wù yuàn zhènɡ quàn wěi yuán huì
  • Securities Committee of the State Council
  1. 国务院证券委员会批准发行境内上市外资股的总额应当控制在国家确定的总规模之内。

    The total value of the foreign capital stocks listed in China authorized by the Securities Commission of the State Council shall be controlled within the maximum amount prescribed by the state .

  2. 1997年,国务院证券委员会颁布了《可转换债券管理暂行办法》,并开始在非上市公司中进行面积更为广泛的可转债发行试点。

    In 1997 , the State Council Securities Commission issued the " Interim Office of the Convertible Bonds , " and began to carry out non-listed companies in the broader area of the pilot issue of convertible bonds .

  3. 在国务院先后颁布的《股票发行与交易管理暂行条例》以及国务院证券委员会发布的《禁止证券欺诈行为暂行办法》中对证券违法行为及处罚都作了相应规定。

    In the State Council has promulgated the " Provisional Regulations on issuing stocks and transaction management , " the Securities Commission and the State Council issued the " Interim Measures against securities fraud " for securities violations and corresponding penalties were provided .