
  • 网络international signal
  1. 时间延迟估计是国际信号处理领域的一个十分活跃的研究课题,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    Time delay estimation is a very active researching topic with important academic meaning and applying value in the international signal processing field .

  2. 关于《国际信号规则》增补船舶防污码语的建议

    A regularization algorithm for bar code signals restoration The Proposal on the Code Supplement to the International Code of Signals

  3. 20多年来,CFAR处理技术逐渐发展成为国际雷达信号处理界的一大热门研究领域和关键性课题。

    For more than twenty years , CFAR processing technology develops into one of the hottest research field and the most pivotal subject in the field of radar signal processing in the world .

  4. 船舶之间使用的一种国际旗语信号。

    One of an international code of flag signals used between ships .

  5. 本文针对P300脑电信号的特点,通过P300仿真信号和国际标准实验信号,对支持向量机分类识别P300脑电信号进行了研究。

    Based on the characteristic of P300 EEG signal , this paper has studied the classification of the artificial P300 signal and international standard experiment signal using Support Vector Machines ( SVM ) .

  6. 司线员,请打信号。国际无线电对时信号

    Line judge , singal please . international time signals

  7. 国际道路标志信号会议;

    International Conference on road signs and signals ;

  8. 这是给国际社会的明确信号,必须继续采取真正和有效的制裁措施。

    And this is a clear message to the international community to continue with real and effective sanctions .

  9. 无线电码发出的国际公认的求救信号。无线电报务员向司令部发出求救信号。

    An internationally recognized distress signal in radio code . The radio operator sent an appeal for help to headquarters .

  10. 本研究建立了一个具有1297条信号记录及其相应的临床信息,能够和当前国际上大型生理信号数据库进行软件和数据共享的心电信息数据库系统。

    The data and the analysis software in this database can be shared with the international physiological signal databases such as MIT-BIH Arrhythmia .

  11. 针对国际上数据采集信号处理仪器的研发正朝着结合虚拟仪器技术、嵌入式技术和网络技术与一体的方向发展,并对处理系统微型化和便携性提出了要求。

    Secondly , the international development of Data acquisition and signal processing instrument is integrating virtual instrument technology , embedded technology and network technology , and propose some requests about processing system miniaturization and portability .

  12. 我们有许多有效的方法来减少空气污染。考虑到空气污染范围影响着全球人民,这个报告应该向国际社会发出强烈信号,让他们立即采取行动。

    There are effective ways to reduce air pollution and , given the scale of the exposure affecting people worldwide , this report should send a strong signal to the international community to take action without further delay .