
  1. 第六章城乡统筹国家综合配套改革试验区的制度创新。

    Chapter Six introduces the institutional innovation in pilot zones of balancing rural and urban development .

  2. 浅析国家综合配套改革试验区的政府管理职能定位

    The Brief Analysis of the Management Function of Government in National Synthetically Reform Testing District Localization

  3. 最后对国家综合配套改革试验区发展中的投融资问题做出了政策安排探讨。

    Finally , policy arrangements for the issues of investment and financing in National Comprehensive Support Reforms Experimental Zone construction made to explore .

  4. 滨海新区作为国家综合配套改革试验区,其基础设施建设尤为重要,特别是交通设施的建设。

    Binhai New Area as the national comprehensive reform experimental area , in it the infrastructure construction , especially the traffic facilities is particularly important .

  5. 这就要求在理论上不仅要考虑到技术、制度的因素,也要考虑到空间的因素对国家综合配套改革试验区理论模型的影响。

    Theoretically , we must consider the influence of technology factor , the system factor and the space factor to a National Pilot Zone for Overall Reform .

  6. 截止到2010年底,国家综合配套改革试验区的数量已经上升到9个,基本形成了东中西互动的试点格局。

    By the end of 2010 , there are 9 comprehensive reform pilot zones , which form the interactive development pattern of Eastern , Western and Middle parts .

  7. 本文主要以新增加的要素为研究核心,对国家综合配套改革试验区的预效应进行了系统的分析和概括。

    In this paper , the study core is the new increase elements . The author systematically analyzes and summarizes the pre-effects of national comprehensive reform experimental area .

  8. 其次是对其两型社会国家综合配套改革试验区的主要做法进行归纳总结,最后提出两型社会国家综合配套改革试验区应该在政策保障制度、利益分配制度、科技创新制度等方面进行制度创新。

    Then it summarizes the main practices of the pilot zones for construction of two-oriented society , and finally proposes the institutional innovations on the policy insurance system , interest distribution system and technology innovation system .

  9. 而后,分析了国家综合配套改革试验区投融资的现状与存在的制度障碍,以及投融资模式优化的现实条件,提出了优化的推进构想。

    Through analysis of the status of the investment and financing and the existence of obstacles , combine with the reality of the conditions of optimizing the investment and financing mode , put forward to promote the concept of optimization .

  10. 国内现有国家综合配套改革试验区的成功实践证明,设立国家综合配套改革试验区,实施综合配套改革,无疑是厦门未来实现又好又快发展的一次难得机会。

    The success of the domestic existing national comprehensive reform pilot area showed that the establishment of a national comprehensive reform pilot area and the implementing of comprehensive reform is undoubtedly a rare opportunity to achieve sound and rapid development in the future for Xiamen .

  11. 建立国家综合配套改革试验区,不仅是为了促进滨海新区及天津市的发展,更重要的是推动环渤海地区,乃至整个北方地区的发展,形成新的区域发展模式。

    Building a National Pilot Zone for Overall Reform is to improve not only the development of Binhai New Area and Tianjin , but also the development of Bohai Sea area , even the entire northern area , and forms a new pattern for region development .

  12. 国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区的内涵与运作机制研究

    Connotation and Operating Mechanism Research on the National Urban-Rural Coordinated and Synthetically Reforming Testing District

  13. 武汉城市圈作为国家两型社会综合配套改革试验区,在分担节能减排任务中起着重要的作用。

    As a national synthetically reform testing district of two-oriented society strategy ( Resource-conserving and Environment-friendly ), Wuhan city circle plays an important role in the task of conserving energy and reducing CO2 emissions .

  14. 2010年4月,经国务院同意,沈阳经济区被国家发展和改革委员会正式批复为综合配套改革试验区,自此,沈阳经济区成为国务院批准设立的第八个国家综合配套改革试验区。

    In April 2010 , with the consent of the State Council , Shenyang Economic Zone is authorized as a comprehensive reform pilot zone by the national development and Reform Commission .

  15. 2010年4月,国家发改委正式批复辽宁中部城市群为第8个国家综合配套改革试验区。

    National development and reform commission officially approved central Liaoning urban clusters for the 8th national comprehensive reform pilot area in April 2010 .