
guó wù
  • national affairs;affairs of the state
国务 [guó wù]
  • [national affairs] 国家的事务;国事

  • 国务不可不谨也。--《高君书.壹言》

  • 国务活动

国务[guó wù]
  1. 我们需要贤能之人掌理国务。

    We need the best men to administer the affairs of the state .

  2. 朝鲜要求美国停止制裁那些与朝鲜有金融关系的银行,并第二次邀请东亚及太平洋事务的助理国务ChristopherR。

    The country has demanded that Washington stop cracking down on banks that do business with North Korea , and has twice invited Christopher R.

  3. 负责福克兰群岛政策的外交国务大臣杰里米布朗(jeremybrowne,theforeignofficeminister)不觉得诸如巴西或乌拉圭一类国家会对地区性封锁该群岛经济有多大兴趣。

    Jeremy Browne , the Foreign Office Minister responsible for Falklands policy , doubts that , say , Brazil or Uruguay has much interest in a regional economic blockade of the islands .

  4. 国务安全专家CharlesSlepian:

    Homeland security expert Charles Slepian .

  5. 法国的最高行政法院国务委员会(CouncilofState)于周五推翻了一座城市的布基尼禁令。显然,如果其他城市有类似法律诉讼的话,它也会做出同样判决。但是这场战争还远未结束。

    Although France 's highest administrative court , the Council of State , struck down one town 's burkini ban on Friday - and clearly would do the same for other towns if lawsuits were brought - the fight is far from over .

  6. 英国国际发展部国务大臣希拉里•本(HilaryBenn)认为:在贫穷国家,腐败对穷人的伤害最大。

    Hilary Benn , British development minister , said : In poor countries corruption harms the poorest people most of all .

  7. 我加入联合王国国际发展部国务大臣HilaryBenn的呼吁,呼吁其它国家仿效联合王国的表率,提供直至2008年所需的资金。

    I join UK International Development Secretary Hilary Benn in a call to others to follow the UK 's lead in providing the funding needed through to2008 .

  8. 所以当想美国国务秘书HillaryClinton以及德国司法官AngelaMerkel等职场女强人喜欢裤装示人,并以因此使人联想到强势和成功时,裙装则更容易给人一个更加正面的第一印象。

    So while trouser suits – favoured by powerful women such as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and German chancellor Angela Merkel – are associated with ambition and success , a skirt suit gives a more positive first impression .

  9. 7月,西班牙贸易国务秘书詹姆·加西亚-勒加斯(JaimeGarcía-Legaz)前往中国时,称马德里总共签署了1880份“黄金签证”,其中282份由中国公民获得。

    In July , when the Spanish secretary of state for the economy , Jaime Garc í a-Legaz , traveled to China , he noted that Chinese citizens had received 282 of the 1880 " golden visas " granted by Madrid .

  10. 国务秘书昨晚广播了一条特别消息。

    The Secretary of State broadcast a special message last night .

  11. 秘书长、国务大臣或国务卿的全体工作人员或办公厅

    Staff or office of a Secretary-General or of a government Secretary

  12. 国务秘书用不着更多的理由就会接待他的。

    The Secretary will need no further inducement to receive him .

  13. 国务委员宋健纵论中国高技术研究成就

    State council member Jian Song talks about China 's high-tech research achievements

  14. 外交和国际合作副国务委员

    Deputy Commissioner of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

  15. 我们能把国务托付给这个人吗?

    Can we trust this man with affairs of state ?

  16. 部长忙于重要国务。

    The minister is busy with important affairs of state .

  17. 中国国务委员唐家璇在对尼泊尔进行正式访问。

    State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan is on an official visit to Nepal .

  18. 重建和发展国务大臣

    Minister of State in Charge of Reconstruction and Development

  19. 国务秘书从他的官员的硬壳里伸出了柔软的脑袋。

    The secretary had put forth his soft head from the official shell .

  20. 英国协办外交和联邦事务国务大臣

    British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

  21. 他将要被明升暗降,调任国务大臣。

    He is about to be kicked upstairs to be secretary of state .

  22. 中国国务委员前往俄罗斯进行安全会谈

    Chinese State Councilor leaves for security talks with Russia

  23. 国务活动总是以国王为中心。

    State occasions always centred around the king himself .

  24. 最高国务会议组织结构及其功能探析

    An Investigation of the Organizational Structure and Functions of the Supreme State Conference

  25. 与联合国合作处理维持和平事项国务委员会;

    State committee for cooperation with the United Nations on peace keeping matters ;

  26. 国务大臣发布了开支的指导原则。

    The secretary of state issue guidelines for expenditure .

  27. 国务委员陈俊生为兰州沙漠研究所题词

    The State Councillor Chen Jun sheng 's Inscription for Institute of Desert Research Lanzhou

  28. 土耳其又见两位国务部长辞职。

    Two more state ministers resign in turkey .

  29. 英国国务秘书的权利悄悄地在逐步膨胀。

    The power of the Secretary of State in London increased gradually but imperceptibly .

  30. 总统任命所有的内阁国务大臣。

    The president appoints all cabinet-level government administrators .