
  • 网络national roaming
  1. 中国的主要电信运营商已经宣布取消国内漫游费的计划,它们转而将4G服务作为主要的利润来源。

    China 's major telecom operators have announced plans to cancel domestic roaming charges as they are instead turning to 4G services as a major source of profit .

  2. 中国最大的电信运营商--中国移动通信集团公司近日宣布,到今年年底将停止收取国内漫游费。

    China Mobile Communications Corp , the country 's largest telecom operator , recently said they will stop charging domestic roaming fees by the end of this year .

  3. 工信部发言人张峰说道,提速降费的举措将在10月份执行,会使资费更低,大约下降三分之一,同时国内漫游资费也会下降。

    Zhang Feng , the ministry spokesman , said the speed-enhancing and price-cutting initiatives will be completed by October and will result in lower , roughly about one-third , and mobile traffic fees nationwide .