
  • 网络Inherent rights;inherent power;intrinsic weight
  1. 股东之所以拥有代表诉权,是因为该权利源于股东的法律地位,它是股东的固有权。

    The reason of shareholders owning deputy litigation right results from their legal status .

  2. 保险合同中,受益人的保险金给付请求权属于固有权并非继受而来。

    In the contract of insurance , the right of the insurance premium that the beneficiary asks to receive belong to the inherent right .

  3. 股东表决权是目的性权利与手段性权利的结合,具有法定性,属固有权之一种。

    The voting right of stockholders is the combination of purpose right and means right , legal , belong to one kind of inherent right .

  4. 股东查账权是固有权,作为固有权不得被非法剥夺,当权利行使被拒绝时有权请求司法救济。

    Shareholders ' client query is an intrinsic power , which can not be deprived illegally . Shareholders have the right to ask for judicial relief when carrying out right but being refused .

  5. 抽象的股利分配请求权是股东基于其公司股东的资格和地位而享有的一种股东权权能,是一种固有权和期待权。

    Abstract shareholders ' rights to dividend based on their qualification and status as shareholders is a type of power and functions of shareholder right , a type of intrinsic and expectant right .

  6. 在对股东账簿查阅权的法律性质分析时,文章指出股东账簿查阅权是一种共益权、救济与附属权、固有权。

    When analyzing the nature of shareholders ' inspection right on books and records , the dissertation outlines the right is a kind of income sharing right , redress and subjection right , immanence right .

  7. 在律师权利体系中,具体执业权与执业保障权是律师权利的基本分类方式;具体执业权利就其来源,又可细化为固有权和代理权。

    In the lawyer 's rights system , the rights can be basically classified into concrete practicing rights and right of practic - ing safeguarding , and the concrete practicing rights can be detailed of inherent rights and agent 's right .

  8. 股东质询权应当是股东的固有权,以此为出发点可以发现,德国法以来形成的股东质询权制度并非完美。

    The inquiry right should be the innate right of shareholders . From this perspective , it can be found that the system of the shareholders ' inquiry right which dates back to the introduction of German Law is not perfect .

  9. 诚然,欧洲人将会失去对这个职位的固有控制权,但这种垄断不可能一直持续下去。

    Yes , Europeans would lose automatic control over one job , but such monopolies cannot continue forever .

  10. 解决这些问题的方法是:取消行政机关实际存在的固有立法权;

    The methods to solve the above questions includes : abolishing the legislative powers of the executive authority stipulated in the constitutional laws ;

  11. 在面临不同挑战时,包括立法机关、行政机关以及司法机关在内的美国政府是如何应对的呢?解决这些问题的方法是:取消行政机关实际存在的固有立法权;

    What did American government do when facing these challenges ? The methods to solve the above questions includes : abolishing the legislative powers of the executive authority stipulated in the constitutional laws ;

  12. 因此,律师辩护权有代理性辩护权和固有性辩护权之分。

    Therefore , the right to advocacy can be divided into the right of agency and the inherent right of defense .

  13. 宗教失去了固有的至高权。

    Religion has lost its supremacy .

  14. 商标是作为商品标识最活跃的固有身份,商标权不仅是知识产权,更是一个国家或地区的巨大财富和无形资产。

    The trademark is the most active as a commodity identity inherent identity , trademark , intellectual property rights , is the great wealth and intangible assets of a country or region .