
ɡù dìnɡ zī chǎn tóu zī
  • Fixed assets investment;investment in fixed assets
  1. 固定资产投资是确保企业获得最新技术的重要手段。

    Investment in fixed assets is an important vehicle for ensuring that the latest technology is available to business .

  2. 固定资产投资预测的Logistic模型及实证分析

    Logistic Model and Positive Research for Investment in Fixed Assets

  3. 全年全国固定资产投资比上年增长2.9%。12月份,全国城镇调查失业率为5.2%,2020年年均城镇调查失业率为5.6%。

    The country registered a 2.9-percent growth in fixed-asset investment in 2020 . The surveyed urban unemployment rate nationwide was 5.2 percent in December and 5.6 percent on average in the whole year .

  4. 基于ERP系统实现固定资产投资最优的算法

    The Arithmetic of Optimization in Investment of Fixed Assets Based on ERP System

  5. 测算了FDI对江西省固定资产投资供给的影响,并与中部五省进行了横向比较。

    The Empirical Study on the effect of FDI on investment in fixed assets in Jiangxi .

  6. RBF神经网络在安徽省固定资产投资总额预测中的应用

    Simulation and prediction of Anhui 's fixed assets investment total based on RBF neural networks

  7. ECM模型对固定资产投资的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of Fixed Assets Investment by ECM

  8. 例如,今年前9个月的gdp增长中,95%是由固定资产投资贡献的。

    Investment in fixed assets accounted for 95 per cent of GDP growth in the first nine months , for example .

  9. 我国固定资产投资的ARIMA模型分析与预测

    ARIMA Model Analysis and Prediction of China 's Fixed Assets Investment

  10. 中国经济中的最大扭曲之处,是固定资产投资的爆炸式增长与国内生产总值(gdp)之比达到令人瞠目的50%。

    The biggest distortion in the Chinese economy is the explosion in fixed asset investment to an eye-popping 50 per cent of GDP .

  11. TOC在固定资产投资决策中的应用

    The Theory of Constraint Used in Fixed-Assets Investment

  12. 研究表明:江苏经济增长与耕地递减呈明显线性负相关,人口、固定资产投资及GDP增长是耕地减少的主要驱动力;

    The major causes of the decrease of cultivated land area include the growth of population , total investment of fixed assets and GDP .

  13. 甘肃省全社会固定资产投资的ARIMA模型预测

    Using ARIMA Model to Forecast the Total Fixed Asset Investment in Gansu Province

  14. 重庆市固定资产投资与CPI的协整关系

    The Econometrics Analysis of the Relationship Between Fixed Assets Investment and CPI in Chongqing Municipal

  15. 对GDP的增长作出积极贡献的其他因素包括消费者支出,增幅为1.7%;固定资产投资,增幅为1.6%;以及净出口,增幅为0.2%。

    Other positive contributions to GDP growth included consumer spending , 1.7 percent ; fixed investment , 1.6 percent ; and net exports , 0.2 percent .

  16. 从模型分析的结果显示,无论是固定资产投资,还是建筑安装投资,GDP对它们的弹性系数都大大超过它们各自在GDP中所占的比重。

    From this model , the construction investment elasticities of GDP are calculated and it seems that they are all much higher than their shares in GDP .

  17. FDI的引进,会通过某种或某些渠道对货币供应量、固定资产投资和平均劳动报酬产生影响,进而推动物价水平的上涨,产生通货膨胀的压力。

    FDI will increase Money Supply Amount , Fixed Assets Investment Amount and Average Wage Amount through one or some channels , then pushing price level up .

  18. 土地利用程度与人均GDP、建成区人口密度以及单位土地面积固定资产投资额三方面密切相关;

    It had been close relation between urban land use degree and per GDP , population density in built-up , investment in fixed assets in unit land area .

  19. 文章预测了2011年海南省GDP会继续保持高速增长,全社会固定资产投资额会继续加大。

    The paper predicted that the GDP of Hainan Province in2011 will continue to maintain high growth , and the total fixed assets investment wiU continue to increase .

  20. 研究结果表明GDP增长率、M2增长率和固定资产投资增长率都是通胀率的Granger原因;

    The investigation shows that GDP increasing rate , M2 increasing rate and fixed assets increasing rate are the Granger causations of inflation rate .

  21. 官方数据显示,2008年,中国家庭消费仅占GDP的36%,而固定资产投资占到了47%。

    Official data indicate that Chinese households consumed just 36 per cent of GDP in 2008 , while gross fixed capital formation amounted to 47 per cent of GDP .

  22. X公司除了小部分股权投资外,其余投资都为项目建设投资,其中项目建设投资主要是公司内部与主业相关的固定资产投资。

    ⅹ In addition to small equity investment , other investments are investments for the project construction , including construction investment projects within the company is mainly associated with the main business investment in fixed assets .

  23. 利用协整分析与向量误差校正模型的研究结果,证明中国电力消费与GDP,固定资产投资,人口数量等经济因素间具有长期的均衡关系;

    By cointegration and vector error correction model method , long-term equilibrium relationships among power consumption and economic factors including GDP , the investment scale of fixed assets , population scale in China are analyzed .

  24. 与GDP数据一同公布的其他数据让市场观察人士感到担忧,零售销售和工业产出增速双双低于预期,固定资产投资增速为自2001年初以来最慢。

    Other data released alongside GDP gave market watchers cause for concern , with retail sales and industrial output growing below forecast , and fixed asset investment growing at its slowest pace since early 2001 .

  25. 运用协整理论对辽宁省鞍山市固定资产投资总额、建筑安装投资总额和GDP之间关系进行研究。

    The relation between the total investment in fixed assets , the total investment in construction and installation and GDP of Liaoning province Anshan is studied by using co-integration , and establishes a dynamic equilibrium model .

  26. 分析了土地供应与人口、GDP、固定资产投资、财政收支等指标间变化关系,明确提出了要构建以土地供应为核心的土地政策参与宏观调控体系。

    Analyse indices change relation between land supply and population , GDP , fixed assets investment , government revenue and expenditure . Advance definitely to construct the macro-control system that land policy affecting centering on land supply . 5 .

  27. 本文借助数据包络分析法(DEA),利用从业人员、固定资产投资和GDP三项指标测算了1992年&2008年新疆的经济运行效率。

    This paper calculates the economy operating efficiency of Xinjiang during 1992-2008 year with the aid of the data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) method and three indexes & the practitioners , fixed assets investment and GDP .

  28. 当黑龙江省的固定资产投资每增加1%,则黑龙江省的GDP相应增加1.8%,固定资产投资对黑龙江省经济增长的贡献是消费对黑龙江省经济增长贡献的两倍还多。

    Every 1 % growth of investment in fixed assets is accompanied by 1.8 % increase in its GDP . The contribution made by investment in fixed assets is two fold of consumption to the economic growth of Heilongjiang Province .

  29. 经济刺激方案的后果是:2009年上半年,固定资产投资增长率同比上升36%,而中国的投资率可能已突破了GDP的50%。

    As a result of the stimulus package , the growth rate of fixed asset investment hit 36 per cent year-on-year in the first half of 2009 , and China 's investment rate may have surpassed 50 per cent of GDP .

  30. 固定资产投资对GDP的拉动指数从1990~1993年迅速递减后一直徘徊在4左右,使基础设施能力的发挥受到限制,也影响了对外来投资的吸引力。

    The driving index of the investment in fixed assets to GDP was waving around 4 after a sharp decrease between 1990 and 1993 , which limited the performance of the infrastructure capacity in Jiangxi and hence affected its attraction to foreign investment .