
sì ɡè jiān chí
  • Four Cardinal Principles
  1. 中国不搞四个坚持能行吗?

    Can China reject the Four Cardinal Principles ?

  2. 台湾集中攻我们四个坚持,恰恰证明四个坚持不能丢。

    Taiwan 's concentrated attack on the Four Cardinal Principles shows precisely that we cannot discard them .

  3. 四个坚持的对立面是资产阶级自由化。

    The opposite of the four principles is bourgeois liberalization .

  4. 没有四个坚持,中国就乱了。

    Without them , China would be in turmoil .

  5. 市场经济使社会主义充满了生机和活力,使四个坚持具有了坚实的经济基础。

    Market economy makes socialism full of vitality , make " the Four Upholding " have solid economic base .

  6. 在此基础上,提出了广州市垃圾终处理要四个坚持的发展策略。

    In this way , the paper points out the development policies of ' four persistence ' for final garbage disposal in Guangzhou .

  7. 四个坚持中最核心的是党的领导和社会主义。

    Of the four principles , the two most important are that we should uphold leadership by the Party and that we should uphold socialism .

  8. 四个坚持规定着市场经济的主体性质,保证公有制在经济运行中始终占主导地位;

    The subject nature of the fixed market economy of " the Four Upholding ", guarantee that public ownership occupies an leading position all the time in economical operation ;

  9. 四个坚持是不断发展的原则,在新的形势下必须适应市场经济发展的要求赋予新的内涵。

    " the Four Upholding " is a principle developed constantly , must meet the needs of economic development of the market to entrust to new content under the new situation .

  10. 不是错在四个坚持本身,而是错在坚持得不够一贯,教育和思想政治工作太差。

    The mistake was not in the principles themselves , but in the failure to keep to them consistently enough and to do a good job in education and in ideological and political work .

  11. 两个基本点,即四个坚持和改革开放,是不是错了?

    In particular , are the two basic points , namely , keeping to the Four Cardinal Principles and carrying out the policies of reform and opening to the outside world , wrong or not ?

  12. 以科学发展观提升高校人才培养理念,必须做到四个坚持:坚持以学生为本,确立高校人才培养的出发点和立足点;

    " Four insistences " must be implemented in order to promote the cultivation of talent at universities with scientific development conception : insisting on regarding students as teaching basis to establish the starting point and standpoint for training ;

  13. 实现四个现代化必须坚持四项基本原则

    The necessity of upholding the four cardinal principles in the drive for the four modernizations

  14. 四个必须的坚持是保持党的先进性实现的重要途径。

    It is the important way for the advanced Party to stick to " the Four Necessities " .

  15. 为构建和谐河北营造和谐的舆论环境,河北省新闻宣传工作的重点应放在以下四个方面:坚持以正确的舆论引导人,坚定把握宣传基调不动摇;

    For this purpose , we should work hard in four aspects : firstly , we should adhere to guiding people by correct public opinion and not shake the keynote of public opinion ;

  16. 为此应建立程序化的高校辅导员工作模式,即:围绕一个中心,抓好两块阵地,重视三个关键时期,重点关注四个群体,坚持五个原则。

    This work model is : focusing on one central task , strengthening two positions , attaching importance to three crucial periods , paying special attention to four groups , and upholding five principles .

  17. 上述“四个体系”和“四个坚持”,是我们搞好灾后恢复重建的有力保障,也在今年我省抗洪救灾工作中发挥了重要作用。

    These " four systems " and " four insists " are powerful guarantees for our reconstruction and played a crucial role in flood-fighting of this year .